Only In Western Countries

Reposted from gab:

If you were to go live in India they would not create laws & programs to fast track you into jobs over the native Indians.

If you were to go live in Pakistan they would not cow to your religion & allow you to not only practice, but force other people to cater to those practices.

If you were to go live in Somalia they would not create hate crime laws to try to make it extra bad if a native Somalian said/did anything to you

If you were to go live in Mexico they would not change literally everything to allow for your language & culture- doubly so if you lived there illegally

If you went to live in any other country but as western one, you would be on your own. Those people & their governments would not pay, from their own pockets to allow you to exist.

These things are only done in western countries. Everything our government has done since the 60's has been done for people who did not make this country. It has been done to help facilitate the removal of the natives. Everything.

They hide it behind words like freedom or equality, but none of the things they do result in freedom or equality for anyone- especially the white natives.
We're all being eradicated by our own governments while they tell us we're free. Its the most unchallenged genocide in human history. They don't need to kick off killing fields because they know that if they just tell us we're free & equal while stuffing our faces full of McDonalds, we'll just let them do whatever they want.

Posted by LMA

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