The attempt of the Democrat Party to pretend all they have done throughout history is Not on Them, KKK, Margaret Sanger, Murder of infants both unborn and born, not reporting child sex abuse and pedo rings

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Recently shared this post and story out,

Their Hypocrisy is so Palpable. . .the stench at this point is Unbearable!

Thank you Laura Zolman for sharing this local link out.

Can Anyone else believe this? Of course you can. . .Birds of a feather. . . We don't want pedos in office no matter what side they try to play us on, but Dems just fine with it as long as it is one of Their corrupt, criminal leaders. Not just allegations. . .Arrested for it! No Accountability just Blatant all out, Bold, in Your Face hypocrisy! They have Never played fair.

Moore denied allegations and there was No proof, but this hero for the Dems they happily elected was Arrested!

Apparently that's just fine with a group who supports the Dems no Matter What. Just because she married her predator doesn't make it okay as many try to lead us all to believe. Yet Again, one rule of law for Them and their followers, a different one for those dedicated to Truth and Justice as they push Hard for their Pedophile Normalization through whatever means they can get it.

He denied wrongdoing but entered an Alford plea to a misdemeanor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, acknowledging that prosecutors had enough evidence for a conviction.

Morrissey lost a 2016 campaign to be Richmond’s mayor and had his law license revoked last year.

Morrissey launched a bid for a Richmond-area state Senate seat in April and won the Democratic primary in June.

Same group elected a government official who was in Black face, all while they yell "racists" at the rest of us who have been proven to Not be Racist.

Crickets from all their Dem followers and fans because That's how they all roll.

Dems Only have a problem with accused. . .not verified pedos if it works out in Their favor to elect one of Their pedos. Sick globalist agenda.

Crickets. . .from every single Dem and Dem supporter. Thank you to all who are part of the #WalkAwayMovement

You were right, they just keep showing us Who they really are Every Day!

#DemHypocrites, #ThesePeopleAreSick, #JoeMorrissey, #Pedogate, #DemsElectPedos

So a local link, all verified,

An image shard by Greg Eckels which demonstrates first hand all the corruption Democrats Should have been well aware of, but either didn't care or Don't do their due process. Exactly why We the People won the last election and will Continue to do so in spite of their efforts to Cheat!

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What I found interesting about this post is someone whose name appears to show Who they are and what they are about by their name (could be a throw away account as I deal with many of these posers).. .put This comment. Now keep in mind this is not on another group or opposing group, but On my Own post. Shows the lengths they go to to try to excuse and justify themselves!

The Possible Poser, Throwaway Account's response.

This has nothing to do with Dems of Repubs. There are horrible people everywhere.

So Why bother to respond if they are posers?
They are there to distract people who may be easily enticed into the programmed lazy way of thinking and God said to Always be ready to give an account. The side of Good is committed to doing this With Evidence to back it up and Oh how they despise Evidence, because they are generally just about ploys and distractions rather than Truth.

It's not that they're not correct about it being people. . .as the 2 party system is comprised of people and it isn't the party per se, but there is No getting around the party used time and again throughout True History (not the false one taught to us in school through the Rockefeller curiculum) for nefarious people ultimately sold out to satan and the beast system.

How do I know. . .they have a pattern that emerges. That of degrading humanity and trying to slaughter God's creation, the Most Precious of His creation humans and their unborn and now even those who are already born.

How diabolical is that? Yet the followers of this party attempt to shove the onus off somewhere else as if they were not party to This political party.

Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear are Not so Quick to give them a free pass!

My response was as follows and attempts to point out the Evidence of all that has transpired throughout the ages of the Democrat Party,

They definitely use both sides in an effort to divide us. When you look at the history even for women's suffrage and all laid out in this article, they the cabal tried to lead people to believe it was the Republicans who started slavery and the KKK there is a vast body of evidence it was the Democrats.

True, there are wicked ones everywhere, but as far as a government that was set up to pass the laws of the people, they have taken full advantage (the luciferians) to further their agenda and their is no denying it has come through Their programs. For example, Senator Robert Byrd was a Big hero to Hillary and Obama and he was a KKK member and bragged about the Grand Dragon coming to visit their clan.

Interesting how they call themselves the Grand Dragon. . .sure parallels a verse in the Bible found here,

Revelation 12:9
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

Now why would they want to emulate satan? Sure is telling.
I will drop a couple of articles that covers all these people have done with sources and verification. #DarkToLight

Qanon points to Sen. Byrd's KKK leadership. Hillary and other democrat leader's praise of a man who started a chapter for a hate group against our black citizens, yet longest serving Democrat senator and attempts to Reconcile!

This is the evidence you will find in here,

Byrd was a butcher, who appeared to have political aspirations and dreams.

This article covers;

  • Some of the background of Senator Robert Byrd

  • His connections to the KKK, his beliefs about the black population, jewish population and catholics.

  • How did someone opposed to what modern day democrat leaders claim they stand for, rise so high in the ranks of government to become the longest serving senator in the United States?

  • How certain media outlets and democrat leaders attempt to white wash Byrd's actions and connections to a violent hate group involved in numerous murders of those they deemed they were superior to. How do you reconcile that?

What did this particular democrat do in West Virginia back in the 1940's to fulfill those dreams?

Start a chapter of the Ku Klux Klan of course and garner the attention of the head Klansman by recruiting 150 of your friends.

Apparently the Grand Dragon came down to officially organize the chapter.

Byrd appears to brag about how the leader of the KKK was so impressed with him.

This leader was Joel L. Baskin, who led the offices for the Klan in Washington D.C. in the 1920's.

After Byrd had collected the $10 joining fee and $3 charge for a robe and hood from every applicant, the "Grand Dragon" for the mid-Atlantic states came down to tiny Crab Orchard, W.Va., to officially organize the chapter.

Shows the lies Planned Parenthood and the Dems hero based their lies upon. A direct attack on our black population!

See the history of Margaret Sanger in here and what she was really up to. Was this a Democrat ideal? Is this something the one who Created Us wants? Are these people used to further satan's agenda and why do they almost Always come through the democrat party?

Unborn Baby Deemed a Person, Death of a person is punishable by Execution as Ruled by Alabama Supreme Court

the Lie of RoevsWade happened.

The lie it was based on.

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Here what she says about children here,

*Margaret Sanger the Greatest Sin is Children8

Sadly any Dem I speak to just looks the other way, pretends it didn't happen or Condones it. Horrible! Sick!

Even though the Bible says,

Psalm 127:4-5 King James Version (KJV)
4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

This is rather telling where,

Tucker Carlson exposes the false statistics and true culprits of violence and hate!

A black man yells, "I am Free, I am off the Plantation the Left has Created!

A great Warrior/Guardian of Children dropped a Very Apt article,

Thank you Connie Grabowski this is Over the Target,

Making the case that many Democrats are no longer human, but rather biological vessels of “Demonic Obsession”

Due to the evil these people perpetuate at the level where people say, "who would ever do that and why?" Well, this lays it all out pretty well Complete with a history of that compromised Democrat Party. Now we are Not discounting that there are corrupt people in the Republican party as satan puts infiltrators and posers into virtually every sector of society in order to confuse, confound and manipulate. The truth of this is. . . those people are sell-outs and plants.

That being said, those on the side of good are Not beholden to a party, we simply have to work within the system that is there, no choice for now and we will not just step aside and allow all the evil doers to further their agenda without us pushing back. The one we all ultimately answer to is our Creator, our Father who doesn't tolerate this level of evil!

Here is part of this article and it makes some very valid points which cannot be discounted!

Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves.

The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing. It was Democrats who ran the KKK, pushed gun control to keep blacks disarmed, demanded school segregation and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who freed the slaves and ended the de-personhood that Democrats had insisted on enforcing as part of their twisted desire to exploit human beings for their own power and profit.

Even today, it is Democrats alone who have celebrated new laws legalizing the killing of human babies after they’re born by claiming they are not persons. These new laws — passed in New York and elsewhere — legalize infanticide by pretending human babies are not human at all. What turns a baby into a human being? According to Democrats, babies aren’t real people until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby.

In other words, according to prominent Democrats, human being can be de-personed, mutilated while alive, and murdered by licensed medical professionals… and they’re isn’t a single prominent Democrat who opposes this practice.

Not one.

Part of being a human being is recognizing the humanity in others
What makes us human?

One of the prerequisites of being considered a human being is, of course, the capacity to recognize the humanity of others. Democrats fail this test when they look at a living, breathing human infant and declare it’s okay to murder that child. As stated above, this position is embraced, almost without exception, by nearly every Democrat in America today.

Mass murderers are often called “inhuman” when the horrors of their crimes are finally revealed. What kind of a person would murder innocent people or condone such murder on a grand scale?

Democrats, of course. That’s who they are. This is what they not merely tolerate but celebrate.

Condoning the mass murder of innocent human beings disqualifies you from being considered “human” yourself
Systematically violating the core humanity of other human beings — regardless of their age — disqualifies you from being a true human being yourself. If you believe it is your right to selectively revoke the recognition of humanity in others and carry out acts of violence against them in order to make your own life more comfortable, you are not a human being.

You are an inhuman sociopath.

And that’s exactly what nearly every Democrat in America is today: Sociopaths who support mass murder, extreme censorship, violence against their political opponents and genocide carried out in Planned Parenthood murder factories across America.

But killing human babies isn’t enough to satiate the desire for pure evil and human suffering that now infests the dark hearts and twisted minds of Democrats: They also specialize in sexually abusing children, too.

That’s why a convicted pedophile and sex criminal was just elected as a Democrat in Virginia. His name is Joe Morrissey, and he apparently has the majority vote of Virginians, a state whose governor (Northam) was not only caught wearing blackface, but who openly admits to supporting and even endorsing the practice of murdering living human children.

The idea of being led by an individual who endorses child murder didn’t phase Democrats one bit. They support the practice.

In fact, it defines them. That’s why Jeffrey Epstein was so popular among Democrats like Bill Clinton: Because he provided the trafficked underage children for the Democrat “rape encounters” that are so popular among the powerful elite. Recently, a top Democrat donor named Ed Buck was finally arrested after three dead black escorts were found in his home. (The man would string them up, drug them, rape them and leave them for dead. He was a top donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign.)

Yes, Democrats not only murder children seemingly for sport, they also celebrate sexual perversion, child trafficking (hence their support for open borders), organized child rape and even Satanic rituals that result in children being sacrificed, murdered and “disappeared.”

460,000 missing children in the USA each year… while the entire left-wing media protects pedophiles

All the above from the article, so I am quickly commenting here,

Who has tried to distract and deny Time after Time from the truth of these pedophiles being widespread? Who always believes much of the government can't possibly compromised thought evidence abounds that they have been and many still are? Who Never accepts Any responsiblity? You know who!

Back to the article,

Making the case that many Democrats are no longer human, but rather biological vessels of “Demonic Obsession”
11/08/2019 / By Mike Adams

Despite the seemingly shocking idea presented by the title of this article, the idea that some individuals are no longer “persons” is an idea championed by the Democrats themselves.

The entire slave plantation era in America was, of course, spearheaded by Democrats who demanded “ownership” of slaves, a form of de-personing. It was Democrats who ran the KKK, pushed gun control to keep blacks disarmed, demanded school segregation and opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It was Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, who freed the slaves and ended the de-personhood that Democrats had insisted on enforcing as part of their twisted desire to exploit human beings for their own power and profit.

Even today, it is Democrats alone who have celebrated new laws legalizing the killing of human babies after they’re born by claiming they are not persons. These new laws — passed in New York and elsewhere — legalize infanticide by pretending human babies are not human at all. What turns a baby into a human being? According to Democrats, babies aren’t real people until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby.

In other words, according to prominent Democrats, human being can be de-personed, mutilated while alive, and murdered by licensed medical professionals… and they’re isn’t a single prominent Democrat who opposes this practice.

Not one.

Part of being a human being is recognizing the humanity in others
What makes us human?

One of the prerequisites of being considered a human being is, of course, the capacity to recognize the humanity of others. Democrats fail this test when they look at a living, breathing human infant and declare it’s okay to murder that child. As stated above, this position is embraced, almost without exception, by nearly every Democrat in America today.

Mass murderers are often called “inhuman” when the horrors of their crimes are finally revealed. What kind of a person would murder innocent people or condone such murder on a grand scale?

Democrats, of course. That’s who they are. This is what they not merely tolerate but celebrate.

Condoning the mass murder of innocent human beings disqualifies you from being considered “human” yourself
Systematically violating the core humanity of other human beings — regardless of their age — disqualifies you from being a true human being yourself. If you believe it is your right to selectively revoke the recognition of humanity in others and carry out acts of violence against them in order to make your own life more comfortable, you are not a human being.

You are an inhuman sociopath.

And that’s exactly what nearly every Democrat in America is today: Sociopaths who support mass murder, extreme censorship, violence against their political opponents and genocide carried out in Planned Parenthood murder factories across America.

But killing human babies isn’t enough to satiate the desire for pure evil and human suffering that now infests the dark hearts and twisted minds of Democrats: They also specialize in sexually abusing children, too.

That’s why a convicted pedophile and sex criminal was just elected as a Democrat in Virginia. His name is Joe Morrissey, and he apparently has the majority vote of Virginians, a state whose governor (Northam) was not only caught wearing blackface, but who openly admits to supporting and even endorsing the practice of murdering living human children.

The idea of being led by an individual who endorses child murder didn’t phase Democrats one bit. They support the practice.

In fact, it defines them. That’s why Jeffrey Epstein was so popular among Democrats like Bill Clinton: Because he provided the trafficked underage children for the Democrat “rape encounters” that are so popular among the powerful elite. Recently, a top Democrat donor named Ed Buck was finally arrested after three dead black escorts were found in his home. (The man would string them up, drug them, rape them and leave them for dead. He was a top donor to the Hillary Clinton campaign.)

Yes, Democrats not only murder children seemingly for sport, they also celebrate sexual perversion, child trafficking (hence their support for open borders), organized child rape and even Satanic rituals that result in children being sacrificed, murdered and “disappeared.”

460,000 missing children in the USA each year… while the entire left-wing media protects pedophiles
Do you have any idea how many children go missing in the United States each year? According to, 460,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States alone. The number of mind boggling. Surely some percentage of those children are ultimately found alive and well, but there’s no question that a significant portion of those 460,000 children end up in Democrat sex dungeons to be exploited and repeatedly raped by Demoncrats and their donors.

Jeffrey Epstein alone — who had widely reported links to the Clintons and other powerful Democrats — reportedly demanded “three orgasms a day” from child sex slaves who were provided to him by the global elite, nearly all Democrats, according to The Sun UK. At one point, Epstein was gifted three 12-year-old French girls for his birthday. The girls were kidnapped and flown in from France, reports the NY Post, to appease this Democrat-connected pedophile ring mastermind.

What kind of a person hates humanity so much that they would rape multiple young girls (or boys) each day, year after year, while providing these children to the world’s most powerful and wealthy individuals like Bill Clinton?

Someone who truly hates humanity, most likely because they aren’t human themselves.

The pedophilia now even reaches the halls of the mainstream media as both CBS News and ABC News are now actively defending a pedophile by firing a whistleblower staffer who sought to expose the cover-up. As Zero Hedge reports, “CBS has fired a female staffer believed to have had access to a candid tape of ABC host Amy Robach complaining that in 2016, the network shelved her scoop on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex crimes…”



CBS News fires staffer who had access to leaked Amy Robach audio that was revealed by @Project_Veritas

The person who got fired in this situation was the one trying to protect the children who were being trafficked.

CBS sided with a Pedophile

Amy Robach
CBS News fires staffer who had access to leaked Amy Robach audio
A TV source said the woman was let go on Wednesday after ABC execs alerted CBS.
10:42 AM - Nov 7, 2019
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12.5K people are talking about this
The top three broadcast networks are now openly protecting Democrat-linked pedophiles. As this story explains in World Net Daily:

The Epstein case resonates as a shining example of the growing chasm between our society’s elites and everyone else. If the super wealthy and super connected can even get away with raping young girls with almost no punishment, our system is beyond broken.

ABC’s claims that the story didn’t run because of a lack of “corroborating evidence” are hard to accept after the same network chose to run outlandish and completely uncorroborated reports about Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, peddled at the time by now disgraced Democratic activist and lawyer Michael Avenatti. There’s no explanation for such disparate treatment besides pure bias.

…we have all three major U.S. television broadcast networks implicated to some degree in covering for rapists…

In Canada, by the way, an estimated 45,000 children are reported missing each year. In Australia, it’s 20,000 children and in the UK, it’s nearly 113,000. Globally, we’re talking about over a million children going missing each year.

Me again

In the United States almost 1 million each year as Guardians of Children have been asking with Zero response from the Democrats and their follower, Where are they Going! . Always Crickets! Very Telling! They would Rather support their compromised party than work with those on the side of Good to abolish All evil doers No matter their party.

Back to the article

Democrats are triggered into irrational, violent rages upon seeing a MAGA hat, much like a Christian cross
But the hatred toward humanity doesn’t stop there, of course. Democrats are also filled with vile hatred for Donald Trump and his supporters. They lash out in violent episodes and demean individuals who voted for Trump, dishonestly labeling them “Nazis” while adopting fascist Brownshirt tactics themselves.

Their hatred for God is even more pronounced. Democrats despise God and any inkling of a creative, divine being. The very idea that the universe was created through intelligent design causes extreme anger to rise up inside Democrats, almost as if a demonic spirit was surfacing to violently reject any mention of God, Christ or the Bible. Beyond merely deciding they don’t wish to follow a Christian lifestyle, these Democrats fanatically hate Christians and those who honor God.

See more in the article link from above and also provided in Sources.

Here is a connecting article coming where another poster on a site that doesn't censor doesn't believe Hillary has done what brought hardened police officers to their knees from footage circulating on the Dark Web, which the evil one and those who support him try to make us all think we can't even talk about it.

Does this kind of evil Really Exist? What is circulating around allegedly on the Dark Web and on platforms that don't censor Free Speech

You see, it's not just enough for them to try to control our speech, they wish to even control your thoughts. . .by their standards you're not even allowed to Think Outside of their Box or their Mind Hive mentality. Who else will #PrayStandFight?

Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments. Godspeed #GreatGuardians and Stay Safe out there! Keep your head up, keep your chin up and never stop #FightingTheGoodFight

Galatians 6:9
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”


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