Democratically run worker cooperatives and economic justice.

WHY ARE WORKERS ARE POOR, WHEN THEY CREATED EVERYTHING WE SEE... simple create a monetary system that steals value from every angle, and base your economic system on exploitation using various wage schemes.

The best way I like to explain the harm of the dollar is that with any fiat currency when the government prints 1 of its units of currency. The taxpayer will have to pay that back in the form of taxes and because that money is handed out at the top of the economic ladder, that dollar will also be expanded by a factor of 10 because most every Central banking system is based off fractional Reserve banking, where that $1 we owe becomes a $10 claim on our labor. So we have to pay back $11 in our labor for every dollar created.

Here in the US we also have a 5-7% sales tax.... and once each dollar unit gets exchanged 20 times, it will extract another dollar of Taxation for every Dollar in circulation.

But this is not all, because at 2% inflation rate in 10 years they will also steal 50% of your wages and savings.

If people understood how money was created and how it works and how inflation steals way its value... workers would absolutely refuse all of these wage schemes.

Because at the end of the day the dumbest thing that we do is exchange real value which we create with our labor for worthless paper from a monetary system that is constantly stealing from us.

When a population uses any fiat currency they are guaranteed themselves that they will be in poverty.

Now we have to look at taxation because wage earners are the only ones who shoulder all of the tax burden, this is due to the fact that the people at the top simply pass on their tax burden in the form of higher prices for the goods and services they control. And almost every good and service that the government provides is built around making big business more profits and disciplining controlling criminalizing the poor.

Thus we have the situation where workers create everything there is and yet end up owning nothing.

Bitcoin is the only currency in place that has a sound monetary policy and is based on a free market while also representing a positive value. All of these Fiat currencies represent death and debt for fools.

And every job today is a poverty trap because workers are exchanging real value that they produce with their hands for worthless paper. Every worker generates on average 2-3 times the value of their wages... this is the very first moment of redistribution of real wealth from the workers who created to the older class who had nothing to do with its creation.

We have to use better money and we have to reorganize How We Do labor. This is why Bitcoin and the idea of democratically run worker cooperatives is so inspiring.

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