remember healthcare repeal

Remember when Obama passed his healthcare bill which is anything but universal and anything but cheap or free for most, and the Republicans brought it to the floor for a vote to repeal like 75 times? We all remember. Why do these Democrats keep squealing about the tax giveaways to the rich, citing the inequities of the bills purpose giving billions to a few and taking from the middle class to do so.... but not one of these assholes has tried to bring a vote to repeal it.... Democrats get out there and tell us all how unfair the system is, but never do a thing to correct the system.
Dont listen to people talk to determine what they will do, watch what they do and then you will know their true purpose.
Democrats are simply a glimmer of hope decoy- they will fight tooth and nail and then pass any bill put to them, argue every point in a confirmation and then confirm, swear they wont side with republicans and then one one or two obscure fucks cross the aisle to allow republicans to do anything they want! Make no mistake they both(parties) want it! Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, and Ryan all want the same for you and me, nothing! Their corporate donors have assured them there is nothing you and i need, except to be happy in our shitty jobs no matter how bad the pay may be, or how inflation is killing our dollars buying power, we need only to go to work and wait it out because our democrats are going to come through for us!
That's right up there with i wont come in your mouth and the checks in the mail! There is a guy named Michael Tsarion and alternative history guy, Irishman, he has a bunch of shows on youtube. You may not be able to grasp some of his stuff, but he has this one video called "dont buy the lie" in which he explains it's anyones right to sell you anything they want, they wont be going to hell for it, you have to chose to buy what they are selling and if its bad for you, dont blame them, blame yourself. Take responsibility for your mistakes and dont make them again! Simple stuff yet how many people do you know that simply cant do it! We all need to take more responsibility and demand accountability.
Think about it: would you pay a contractor to talk about building you a house? no if he doesn't build it he doesn't get paid yet we let politicians create committee after committee that gets nothing done and we pay them every cent they charge... right there we are fucked! Nobody talks about it, but we are fucked! We are paying people who get nothing done to decide how to spend our money, and what we are entitled to get for it and then we are surprised when those same people give themselves free healthcare for life, and we get Obama care. then they threaten to take it away to make sure we appreciate it even though its almost as bad as what we had before! Im not telling you anything you dont know im just trying to make sure you think about how you wouldnt tolerate this in any other aspect of your life.
Then asking: why tolerate it? Then yelling: Dont tolerate it! Then pleading: Realize you have been wrong about politics and dont be wrong again! The 99 % of us are good natured, compassionate, respectful and not afraid to work for our living, even enjoy the working for a living we do, it's a source of self worth acomplishment we all need. We arent greedy, evil, uncaring people who can look on starving kids and not feel heart broken, or children being taken from their parents to make a point in a pointless argument, and not be pissed off!
So make it a point to tell everyone you know that they don't have to accept this pay for nothing scam we have been lead into by parents who were in turn lead there by their parents, and so on and so on, with no one ever saying wait, what the fuck are we paying for and why are we paying them for it, do we need it, and finally did they actually get it!

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