

The Genesis of crypto currency has greatly intrigued the world by it's continues impacts and seemless influx of digital currency in crypto market which have taken over the conventional I way of making transactions through government established financial institutions. This has brought smiles to people's face as its emergence came at the very right time that people are tired of the centralised financial obligations which do not put their privacy to consideration as third party is always involved . Since it's emergence, it has been held up by people as the major sustainable means of making easy,reliable and confidential transaction in the shortest period of time backed up by the Blockchain technology.
As it stands, the crypto space has clients making transactions worth trillions of dollars using digital currency as means of exchange. Through pair to pair, this digital currencies are exchange in the decentralized market system in a transparent manner. There have been some lapses in the flexibility and swift operations between Blockchain project network which has limited the DEX liquidity. The inability of block chain projects to interact and synergize to bring more productivity to trade has hindered the operations of the crypto space and the trades carried out on a daily basis. The habit of constituting a centralised system to increase token pool by DEX has made its face some lapses and backlash security wise despite been successful. Hacks by fraudsters has been witnessed over the years across many projects expecially the Ethereum huge loot on DEX platform due to loop holes in their security system. In as much as some crypto projects are still decentralized, there still sway from the tenets of decentralisation. This problem will continue to linger as long as the aggregation of digital tokens continues.
As a result of this non adherence to the decentralized system which we see projects take part in,the liquidity Aggregation Agreement of the Decentralized Exchanges was introduced to further boost tokens liquidity and ensure a continuous flow to many exchange and the tokens traded . Despite this effort, this Aggregation is more centralised and can't be trusted most times by investors.
All the problem and restrictions which distort the Decentralisation of digital token and reduce to some considerable extent its reliability and tradability has been the central focus of DEGO as it will create a great synergy between Blockchain networks to attain greater productivity.



the DEGO platform primarily creates the solution to the many ills witnessed in most crypto platform by integrating a string and reliable means of carrying out transactions at the best standards with great efficiency and transparency. It is a reliable, transparent and sustainable Blockchain project with reliable staking protocols upholding good governance system made possible by well integrated and functional sets of ALGORITHM which clients assets are run in full and secured operation. It is backed up and powered by the Blockchain technology using the ETHEREUM SMART CONTRACT making it very secured, reliable and efficient in it's operation. Guidelines on how to make trades as the whims and caprices of assuming a particular pool is made know to investors to know and under their choices of staking pools before investing. This makes DEGO very transparent and far more reliable tool for staking and great governance.



From the focus and vision of this great project,one would that this great platform has come to stay and really impact on the DeFi market ecosystem because of it's mode of operations and the standards it upholds. Below are some of the keys features that makes DEGO outstanding and unique.

Transparency And Reliability
Using well standardized and proficient smart contracts and algorithms,Dego has overwhelmed the crypto enthusiast by every and egalitarian treatment among all users so as to distribute wealth equally among investors and secure their assets. This transparency will boost the confidence of investors as their are well assured of their investment and how flexible the operations are on the platform.its a great boost to the DeFi market ecosystem.

Decentralized Governance
This reliable and sustainable platform outs the interest of the community at heart than their profits. Hence the adoption of a Decentralized Governance where its community members assume different roles and responsibilities to make the project work through what is known as the DAO driving development towards the projects sustainability and improvement.Forming a Decentralized Automnomous Community DAO comprising of groups of well experienced, talented developers will further strengthen the productivity and Growth of the DeFI market ecosystem. The process and manner at which transactions will be conducted as well as the benefits investors will get will be decided and made know to the users before investing making it very transparent upholding it's trail in good governance.

Idea of Anti Capital Monopoly
In many sphere a of human endeavors the problem of capital Monopoly has been witnessed. This brings about wide gap and margin in wealth and asset potency making the common investors unable to compete favourably with the capitalists because of the large wealth advantage . Through a great and unique idea in DEGO'S operation, this undue marginalisation by capitalists has been greaty reduced.

Revenue Application. Having a very good ground to attain revenue will boost investors and help build their investment for better efficiency and Productivity. DEGO provides it's community members with the opportunity of getting large amount of revenue in the DeFi market ecosystem.

Removal of Inflation
Managing transaction fees on DEGO will a good and proficient way to increase the worth and value of DEGO in the crypto space. Thai will be done by putting half of every transaction made in DEGO in the staking pool and burning the remaining half . Take for example a transaction of 10%, 5% will be put in the pool while the remaining 5% be burnt. This will greatly keep the value of DEGO.

Hunting Pool With enhanced Smart Fund Plan
Community users are given the opportunity to choose from the different array of pools to put their assets so as to make good and reasonable profits.But before going into the different pools proper understanding of the pools security and operational Complexity needs to be understood to avoid loss.

DEGO is a multi utility token and serves many purposes aside good, reliable governance and staking systems. It serves as a solution to the problems and shortcomings witnessed in the DeFI world.
This is really a great project that will stand the test of time and further strengthen the global DeFi market. It's well fortified with great features and great team of experienced advisors that will bring Productivity to DEGO and the Decentralized finance market.

Follow the links below to get more information about the project.





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