The Night I Met A Deranged Psycho on the Deep Web

So about 4 to 5 years ago i was browsing around on the darknet, now my OpeSec is pretty good. I am no super genius computer "hacker" but i can hold my own. I would visit various info forum sites where people would share exploits talk about weird/strange .onions or even clear-net sites they found. One user by the name of Koma made a post about a site he had found that was just a black page, and there was 1 area that was clickable, and the page would change but only to another black page. He mentioned he tried a few things but got no where.

I noticed an increase in traffic coming into my system, someone was probing and running scans on me. I started to filter out the garbage traffic and start capturing the data. I could see pretty much everything that was being sent to my system a ton of Ping request, ICMP, ECHO. This person behind this site knew i was on it and was trying to get anything he could from my system, any kind of response. I assume he noticed the second i landed on his page. Then i seen it happen boom right there Stun-server. Good thing i was running webrtc it did not even reply to its request. 

The images stopped and it was just a black page again, and then popped up a live webcam feed. This shocked me beause i was thinking "wow how dumb is this guy, live feed? ez to located now" but i was wrong. He was using some kind of Round Robin DNS with influx to hide his location, i must say this was probably the best well hidden site i ever seen  at the time. He appeared on cam in this sick twisted clown outfit with an axe in his hand, saying " I got your information and I am going to Murder You!" he then let out a horrendously evil laugh. I said Nope done with this and just left the site. I was pretty sure like 70 percent sure there was no way he knew who i was or where i was. But at this point I figured it wasn't worth the risk.

Here is a picture of him i found later

Due to this news article that came out

When i seen that picture i knew right away that was the same guy that was on that live feed. i don't know for sure, but i assume this site was some sick pedophile group and the server was a place where they could have possibly been using to distribute images. To this day it gives me goosebumps knowing that I seen this man live on cam and even had a "chat" with this psychotic fuck. Ever since then i haven't done to much more adventure seeking on the deep web. Just cause... there are some things that you wish you never found.

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