Thinking Deeper #2 - A DeepThink Weekly Digest


We are now two weeks into our launch of @SteemDeepThink, a community project promoting quality writers of the humanities. Many are now frequently posting under the "deepthink" tag, bringing exciting new topics and discussion to the Steemit community.

Our Contest Results!

Last week, we called on others to help us name our weekly digest. Our previous title - "SteemDeepThink - Weekly Digest #1" - certainly didn't roll off the tongue. After filtering through numerous submissions, we gave a refined list to our DeepThink community members to vote on.

When all voting was said and done, @philosophist came out as the winner, and we will be posting each week using his title, "Thinking Deeper." However, since @philosophist is one of our SteemDeepThink founders, we didn't think it fair that he be the only one rewarded with the grand prize. @inquiringtimes came in with a close 2nd place with his submission, "It Might Be Deeper Than You Think." Both of them will receive the 1st place reward of a @randowhale upvote and a special feature in next week's issue.

Congratulations, @philosophist and @inquiringtimes!

Problems with Streemian

As some of you are aware, many have been having problems using Streemian's curation trail feature lately. This isn't a problem for just our community, but many others' as well. For some reason, our @steemdeepthink curation trail doesn't always upvote our selected authors. And the times when it does work as intended, other users that follow its trail don't always upvote the same thing.

Our original intent was to support DeepThink writers by adding them to the curation trail for others to follow. Because this isn't currently working, we are having to upvote our members manually.

We are closely monitoring this feature, and are hopeful that things will soon resolve. If anyone has insight into the process with Streemian, assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Highlights From This Week's "DeepThink" Posts

Here are some representative posts from our members:

@heretickitten - "The Ape King's Absurd Appetite"

@philosophist - My Interview On: Remarkable Entrepreneur Podcast

@ajdohmen - Vigilantism Begets the Vendetta

@alexander.alexis - Against Subjectivism - Is Everything Relative?

@snakiest - Crypto-tragedy: “Now I am a believer” or history repeats itself

@gamesjoyce - You might not be such a good friend as you think you are - A simple philosophy of friendship


@soo.chong163 - "Let them eat cake" - Rise and fall of scientism in the Qin era

Thanks for your support!

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