Deep Onion, Coin Control Feature.


Coin Control?

Do you know what's Coin Control?

There are many people who are not yet familiar with this feature of the Deep Onion Wallet. Something very important to know well what's happening inside the Wallet when we make movements.

I highly recommend the old and new members of the Airdrops to inform themselves about this because you can avoid many problems in the future.

First of all we have to know that there is something very important in our Wallet and it is our beloved Private Key, I can even say that it is more important than our Address.

That beloved Private Key which we keep in our Paper Wallets.

Each Address has its corresponding Private Key and with that Private Key we will be able to access the content from any Wallet.

Now it's important to know that when we make transactions, our Wallet automatically performs a process. Imagine that you own 100 Onions and you send 20, the process will make our Wallet automatically sends our "change" (80 Onions) to another address, so our change will go to another Private Key in our Wallet.

Yes, our Wallet has many hidden Private Keys-Addresses in which they will be chosen at random every time you make a move.

That's why when we analyze our addresses in an explorer you see that there are fewer coins than we really believe we should have inside, for just that automatic process.

Imagine that you make a Paper Wallet and you blindly believe that your Coins are in that Address, but now you're really sure that they're in there? Are you sure you didn't make any moves where your remaining coins went to another Address-Private Key in your Wallet?

I invite you to research on this feature, it's something important that will help them to really understand how this tech that we use really works and of course to prevent future headaches.

Remember the lot of Threads with people saying "I didn't move anything"

You can follow a tutorial here about Deep Onion Coin Control Feature, done by one of our important members of the community.

This will help you to understand it more.

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