The Dispute Resolution Process at Blocklancer Platform

Dear folks, in this article I am going to talk a little about the dispute resolution process at blocklancer platform. Firstly, I will give you a brief summary of what is going on here, what blocklancer is, what it does, how disputes occur, who are those two parties who are involved in these disputes, who solves the problem and how fairly disputes end up.
So, here we go. Blocklancer is an autonomous job marketplace, where freelancers ( people who are temporary workers and have no permanent job ) can easily find the proper job and customers ( usually employers who have some projects to be accomplished ) can easily get the workers. Thus, blocklancer arranges platform to help these two parties meet.
Let`s move forward and define how disputes occur and what is the reason behind them. There are cases when workers do not have enough competence, skills and knowledge to do the job properly or they are lazy, do not take job seriously and they do not comply of what they were supposed to do. In cases like these employers are damaged and therefore, they are not willing to pay to their employees. So, what are they doing? They are demonstrating their displeasure and are asking blocklancer to let them pay whatever their employees deserve for the job they have done. The very important thing here is that blocklancer does not have one single centralized authority that would solve similar disputes. Instead the folks, that are making the decisions and determine who is right and who is wrong, are thousands of Tokenholders, who are incentivized to make right decisions, but I will talk about it later on. Thus, this is a one side of the dispute.
Besides, there are cases when the freelancers are oppressed. Maybe they have done everything well like they were supposed to do, but still they do not get the remuneration accordingly. Blocklancer platform gives them an opportunity to get what they deserve in accordance with the work they have put in some particular job. This another side of the dispute.
Now lets talk a little about the decision makers. Like I said, there is no single centralized authority that will make decisions favoring for some parties. There are thousands of Tokenholders, who are given financial rewards for making right choices and solving the disputes properly. The general principle works like these: if they voted for the party that won the dispute, they get financial awards. Thus, they are incentivized to be fair and competent. So, there is no risk of any frauds, discrimination, decisions based on subjective interests and so on and so forth.
The long and the short of it, blocklancer platform ensures that everything is fair and both parties are satisfied. Freelancers have no reason any more to be worried of lies and frauds and employers now will be more willing to have some kind of projects, because they are sure they will be able to find proper workers through the blocklancer and if the dispute occurs, everything will be solved fairly.

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