Deeponion Vs Bitcoin

Official statistics say that now there are 1381 cryptocurrencies in the world and this number is growing rapidly. This exponentially growing number demonstrates how prevalent these type of money is and will be in near future. These days too many investors are very doubtful which cryptocurrencies to choose for their investment. Since they know that cryptocurrencies are money of future, they try to gain more and more of them to be able to make huge profits in the coming years.
The question that arises here is what are the criterions that define their choice? How do they know which cryptocurrency is better and more lucrative? What is the magic power that enables them to foresee the unknown future?
In this article, I will try to provide you with some reasons why investors should go for DeepOnions and not for Bitcoins. You might be interested why I am comparing DeepOnions to Bitcoins. I just want to give you some explanations why biggest market share cryptocurrency is not so big and successful and why its future looks blurred.

A few weeks ago’s co-founder and chief technology officer Emil Oldenburg sold all his Bitcoins (BTC) and turned them into Bitcoin Cash (BCH). He believes that investing in Bitcoins right now may be the riskiest type of investment that a person can make. This case is important indicator of deteriorating trend of Bitcoin future. If one of the closest and aware person to Bitcoin sells it, then how can ordinary investors trust and go for it?

Since 2009 (when bitcoins were created) price of Bitcoins was fluctuating hugely and nowadays these fluctuations are even bigger. There is not adequate risk/return trade-off any more. Potential investor has to pay huge price and still he will not be sure whether he will gain or not. There is huge risk, investor pays huge price and still has no idea whether buying Bitcoins will profitable or not. This inadequate risk/return trade-off shows one of the downsides of investing in Bitcoins.
As for DeepOnion, It`s quite “young” cryptocurrency with moderate price and potential to grow exponentially and bring high profits to investors. In this case, still there is risk (By the way, there is not riskless investment in cryptocurrencies and there is not such thing as free lunch), but this risk is small and coming future seems to be bright. This means risk/return trade-off is highly adequate and investing in DeepOnions seems to be more attractive than in Bitcoins.
Apart from all these things, Bitcoin market is quite saturated. These days too many investors have dismal expectations on its future and think that price of this special type of cryptocurrency reached its maximum price and henceforth its price will start to decrease. Thus, for investors other cryptocurrencies that are newcomers to the market (like: DeepOnions) are more attractive and profitable.
Another advantage of DeepOnion over Bitcoin is volatility. Of course, in the short-run all cryptocurrencies fluctuate, but in the long-run DeepOnion is pretty stable and reliable, while Bitcoin is fluctuating both in the short-run and long-run. Therefore, it is very risky to invest in it.
I hope, you got some impression why Bitcoin future does not seem so bright and why new cryptocurrencies seem to be more lucrative.

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