Why do we like the new Deeponion wallet?

On many occasions we have heard about a wallet, on the street, at work, at an airport, even at a family reunion, banks are falling behind, the future belongs to the wallets of cryptocurrencies, so it is important that you know how is the wallet most convenient for your need, one that guarantees anonymity, one that makes quick transactions, one that is very safe, etc. It is known that there have been bans from some countries, as well as new enemies and people who question the future of cryptocurrencies, the user requires a wallet with an application that helps him stay hidden, and allows him to make his investment if you want, because it is the user's decision to choose what to invest their money in. And if we could get all this in a single wallet?

The community Deeponion looked forward to the update of the wallet to correct some errors that appeared in it, in turn improved the presentation design making the wallet much more attractive to the user, you also notice in this a much more professional design.

We will discuss about the previous Deeponion wallets, a year ago the deeponion had a wallet that worked under the network tor, could be encrypted, and also had DeepVault, DeepVault allows users to store validation credentials of files within the chain of blocks. In other words, it protects your important files forever, behaves like a database that is inside the chain of blocks, therefore the data is immutable and even verify if the data was altered or not, it should be noted that this tool it is still used in each of the versions of Deeponion.

Days ago the Deeponion wallet V.1.6.0 has many different features and lets us know the technological advances to which this wallet is submitted, an example of this is: Stealth addresses which provides a unique security to the user, to In turn, it protects the identity of its users by creating multiple unique and different signatures so that each transaction is in the name of a recipient, which can only create one address. This is a feature that has been mentioned frequently, as it goes On par with the idea of maintaining anonymity in Deeponion, if a person tries to track the address of a user, the person would be lost in the first block, in addition it would be tracking a totally fictitious ip, guaranteeing anonymity, by frequently using the addresses stealthy, only the sender and recipient can choose the site to which the payment was sent if desired.

In that same order of ideas, Deeponion has Deepsend a tool used to send and receive payments in a way that is totally impossible to track, likewise, to achieve this anonymity Deepsend uses a multiple and random signature method to hide any monitoring of the transaction made. On the other hand, Deepsend works with a system of nodes where transactions are also protected. The community is working to further develop this tool to take advantage of it, improve this service to continue providing anonymity, greater speed and above all confidence to the user.

On the other hand, but without leaving the subject Deeponion also has the paper wallet if necessary. Days after the launch of Wallet V.1.6.0 a problem was detected that prevents people from sending large blocks, so the developers made the decision to fix this as soon as possible, thus exposing the new and improved Wallet V.1.6 .1 which corrects this problem, it is very simple to update.

First we look for the nodes:


All selected are copied and pasted into a text document with the name you want, a suggestion is to put the name DeepOnion.conf (2) to differentiate, once there in the upper left corner you will be given File-Save as- In this step where it says "type" the option "all files" will be selected and it will be saved in the site you want. Then select any folder and in the url enter "% appdata%" there will be searched where Deeponion says, proceed to replace the file "Deeponion.conf" with the new "Deeponion.conf (2)" and that's it, your wallet has the new ones nodes, just download the new portfolio V.1.6.1 here https://deeponion.org/DeepOnion.zip unzip and run the file "Deeponion-qt" and let synchronize. It should be noted that this procedure is for those users who had an existing portfolio.

The new Wallet V.1.6.1 (mandatory update) also brings as main features the new version tor 0.3.3 improvements to boot and support for an experimental feature of "vanguard" to resist the attacks of discovery of guards. This series also includes better support for applications that need to embed Tor or administer v3 onion services. OBFS4 Unlike OBFS3, OBFS4 attempts to provide data integrity and authentication, although it is still primarily designed around providing an obfuscation layer for an existing authenticated protocol such as SSH or TLS. Like OBFS3 and ScrambleSuit, the protocol has 2 phases: in the first phase both parties establish keys. In the second, the parties exchange super-encrypted traffic, obfs4 provides integrity and confidentiality of the underlying traffic, and server authentication. This tool is special so that countries like China can dominate together with Deeponion. Meek is another plug-in transport compatible with DeepOnion that retransmits traffic through a third-party server.

So, resuming, we like the new Wallet because it offers us new features referring to anonymity, all users deserve privacy if we wish and that also benefits our security from any attack, that is why we like the new version, we will continue to dominate. A few weeks before the launch everything can happen, and no matter what happens Deeponion is still working to be the best Altcoin, the best is about to begin.

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