Trump: That Just Leaves Us Naked


Top security advisors to former president Trump said one of the things Trump couldn't come to terms with was why did we have to do things a certain way just because we've always done it that way, he said that just leaves us naked. This same analogy was probably used by him when determining his run for the presidency. When you think about it he wasn't going to be leaving the same legacy and fortune his own father left him. They'd spent the rest of their lives inflating values on their properties and living off the borrowed dime against that. I personally don't think it had so much to do with Making America Great Again as it did with Making The Trump Empire Great Again. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this whole AG investigation into his business practices isn't just an out for the Trump family in the hotel business. I mean really when you think about it why would they want to hold on a business model that runs on hundreds of millions of debt load. How could he possibly explain to his supporters he was a debt king constantly flipping debts by inflating values to stay afloat after conning them into believing he was a billionaire beholding to no one. He was a billionaire on paper, he never had one hundred million to run his own campaign. So yeah, I wouldn't be surprise to see this trial used as a mechanism that will allow the family to off load the properties. As his former CEO of the hotels said, "I am resigning as the Trump family has decided to move into new investments" I bet they have.

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