Police Warsaw 10-4-2021 wasting public funds and illegal arrests.


Photos and information fresh in from friends at the Warsaw protest rally on the 10th.

The photo is a private photo from a fellow attendee at the rally.
He was subject to threats to move on even with a legal document to state his rally position was registered and legally binding.
Note the amount of police, there were more than that surrounding the equipment.

This is the message he sent me in broken English below.

"The hit of the season. The police who guarded our 2 speaker columns and equipment. Three-and-a-half hours, dog for detection and bomb squad screened our equipment. At that time they unlawfully held Jan Andrikopoulos.
At that time they prevented the legally registered assembly from getting there. Then the Police made 3 ID and announced a request to the court to punish for participating in an illegal assembly. I informed them several times about the registered assembly, they said they didn't have a registered assembly here. I informed them that I didn't gather at the place they got me. They blew my statement. Afterwards, a Police spokesperson said that people who were prevented from reaching the assembly area could have held a congregation anywhere. Any questions? 😡

What a total waste of public funds. But they have been doing this all year here. People who legally open clubs, gyms, bars or restaurants face this at their door for many hours below.

police poland.jpg

I have been saying for years they forgot who they work for.

When I was a young lad I rode a motorbike on the footpath and got caught by the police. They clipped me around the ear and walked me home with my motorbike. They handed me over to my very angry mother and let her deal with me. Nowadays I would end up in juvenile prison!

This brings me onto where policing has gone wrong not just here but worldwide.
They forgot about us. It has become us and them as Pink Floyd sang all those years before now.

I give you below a snippet from an article by an ex police person in the UK followed by the full link to said article.

‘I’m Done’ Police Officer With 20 Years Service Shares Sentiment Of Many Cops.

"An unnamed police officer with 20 years of service has talked about why they have decided to quit the job after two decades of serving the public.

Generally, morale in the police is low.

Officers are having to endure policing the pandemic against a backdrop of never-ending overtly biased negative media coverage.

These factors, combined with a dramatic rise in the number of police officers who have been seriously assaulted, leave many officers contemplating leaving the job.

One officer captured the sentiment of many of their colleagues when they said:

‘I’m a cop of 20 years. I’m leaving. I’m done.

I’m done with the duplicitous liars and twisters of truth in Parliament, who have destroyed policing in order to further their own careers. I’m done with those charlatans and snake oil salesmen and women who spread their bile, whose acid eats away at society and it’s values and future. I’m done with the utter lack of consequences for their corruption.

Link = https://emergency-services.news/im-done-police-officer-with-20-years-service-shares-sentiment-of-many-cops/?fbclid=IwAR1PQscz4Y1cTOhmCWHTxCjURkG9UypFkm0RhJ2k8ypfQw9lP4g-hGrDtQk

Now there is honesty for you hey!

In the UK if you have your own house burgled/broken into - or your car for that matter. The police - if they even bother answering the phone, no longer come to the scene of the crime. They give you a crime reference number for insurance purposes.

But call them because someone offended you online and they will send 2 officers to the non-offenders door to ask you to modify your thinking. Yes really!

When challenged with regards to if you have broken the law they say no. When asked why they are there then they say "just following orders!"

Thought police.

Here is a clip of such an exchange to give you some idea.

Allow me if you will to go back to that time when the policeman walked me home with my motorbike.
He knew full well that my mother would inflict upon me more punishment than anything he could have done via the system.
Ethics and morals at play.

And she did. She banned me from leaving our tiny inner city back garden on any of my bikes indefinitely.
I had a good 6 months of riding around that tiny garden, It was not until all the grass was gone and it had turned to mud that I was allowed to use my motorbikes outside again. And only off road.

I took that lesson onboard and never did it again.
Had I gone to juvenile detention who knows what or where I would be now. I do not think it would be pretty though.

I guess the difference between then and now is the kind of narcissistic, psychopath's they employ.
In no way am I saying all police are like that. But last weekend it certainly seemed that way. Especially those clad in body armor and on horse back.
Masked up and faceless with eyes full of rage, hatred and no empathy.

We need to strike a balance and get them back to being people, not useless state drones that like nothing better than beating on innocent people with impunity.

I leave you with an article from one of my if not my favorite poli named tician ever. (never thought I would say that did you?)

Ron Paul.

"Major Covid Myth Destroyed - Is Freedom Winning?
written by daniel mcadamsmonday april 12, 2021"

"The CDC has quietly added a link on its website to a new study showing that surface transmission of the virus is extremely rare. Even if a person touches a "contaminated" surface the chance of getting infected is only one in ten thousand! So much for the billions of dollars shelled out over the past year on disinfectants and sanitizers. Somebody got rich! Also today; More Fauci word salad and United Airlines dangerous new "wokeism." Watch today's Liberty Report:"

Full link with video = http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/april/12/major-covid-myth-destroyed-is-freedom-winning/?fbclid=IwAR0FkB8pUPtROUBJMRhymhLZZkax9OnHXkyqbg_A0Ox8rBYaxwD4F6CgWjM

Have a superb week ahead, share some fun, smiles and breeze your way through this life. We only get 1 shot at it. Make it the best shot you can. One love brothers and sisters of this world.
Respect and out.

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