COVID - 1984... WHAT IS GOING ON AND HOW TO DEFEND AGAINST IT. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER ( no matter what country and colour)

(at the end of this article there are crypto recommendations with buy up to's for free because I want freedom for Humanity)


Well here we are. George Orwells 1984. Where snitches run rapid, snitching if you are within arms reach of someone else.

RIdiculous. 1984 cannot happen is we keep doing normal social behaviour. Thus the powers that be have plan for this Pandemic to do Just that. Ruin normal social behaviour and try to create a new norm of power and control.

The other day I was with my kids and i wanted to take them to a secluded park. Since Coronaviruses die in sunlight in minutes I could care less if my kids and anyone elses kids play on the park equipment. We had our own chairs and all that. About 20 minutes with literal no body around, this SUV with a sloth painted on the side came in and turned around. About 10 minutes later the city van comes and gives me a warning and a papers with the law and such. So naturally after he left we left since im sure the cops were called. WAY TO USE PRECIOUS RESOURCES. Ridiculous

This is just to make my point that all these Rules are new Laws are nothing but trying to Make Humanity tremble in fear and then OBEY their law masters who don't even follows the "Rules" they set up. Like that cocksucker Trudeau ( I loathe this lying despicable man).

Lets look at China. Those buggers are fully open as of april. With no new cases. I find it incredible that a population of over 1 billion has less cases then the US. Why is that? WTF is going on right?

Misinformation and misleading deaths stats. Governments are either lying about their stats or they are using FAULTY CORONAVIRUS TEST. Here are a couple of resources to show what i mean.

The first resource is Dr. Thomas Cowan. His argument is two fold. One is that Covid-19 didn't actually pass Koch's prostulates (meaning fact). When the scientific community finds a new disease or virus it is to be isolated and pass koch's prostulates to prove the existence of a new virus or disease. THIS DID NOT TAKE PLACE.

The other argument is the RTPCR VIRAL LOAD TEST. This is a test for genetic material and is not suppose to be used for virus as per the creator of the test KARY MULLINS. Here is the video below

Here is another resource dealing with a president of an African Country. He claims he submitted goat and papya for testing with the RTPCR VIRAL LOAD TEST and guess what it came back positive for covid 19.

And if that wasnt' enough lets just Get David Icke and Brian Rose on the scene. Its a long form conversation but it has lots of great information for those who have no idea wtf is going on. WARNING the information may blow you away. Just enter your email for access. Also side Note. I've seen Brian go thru his Transformation from about 5 years ago till today. His turning point was being mentored by the one and only DAN PENA. So to see where he was to where he is and what he is doing is not only Amazing but it is inspiring and motivational for anyone who takes themselves seriously. Here is the Link

SO why all the misinformation? One could say this is a Chinese Psyop designed to collaspe the west and to get them under control in a Totalarian society similar to 1984.

Let's review. We now have people literally scared to come in 5 feet of you in fear to get a virus that is beginning to look like it might even exist at all. How is that possible? Well China has literally bought tons of strategic resources and companies like farms. So by design they are wanting to bankrupt and collaspe the economy by shutting the whole thing down because of the FEAR MONGERING BY THERE THE CNN (CHINESE NEWS NETWORK) and other Controlled MSM stations giving misinformation and shitty computer models that are now seen as a joke for predicting.

SO we have China wanting to Collapse the west to get control of its resources and its people and bring the CHINESE SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE so they can really go up your ass and tell you exactly what to do. The only way to do that is thru fear and distraction. THIS IS THE ART OF WAR.

Get everyone scared of each other and thinking they are doing good and listening to their masters. The funny thing is they are saying this isn't enough and must DO MORE. LoL. Now we hear Billy Gates come out and says we must lock down society until a vaccine made by his company is made.

WHat horse shit. This thing is apparently made in a lab not to kill everyone but to patent it. You cannot patent nature but you can patent shit made in a lab though. They are trying to do the same with human dna by manipulating it enough so they can patent it. Disgusting this should not be allowed.

Then the other thing with the vaccines love them or hate them... THere are secret vaccines courts and pharmaceuticals have protection against vaccine damages. INTERESTING... Not going to go into the vaccine scam but just remember HYGEINE AND NUTRITION is what prevents plagues. The plague actually started with bad sanitation and from a potatoe famine.

ANyways now having china looking for control, gates looking to force vaccinate and the governement tiptoeing more and more control and not wanting to give it up. What else is going on?

ENTER the FED. These fucking guys think they can just print currency out of their ass to fund all these bailouts. This will have greater repercussions then this stupid bullshit virus. This will make food and everything else go up in price and those who don't know wtf money actually is will be holding the bag.

Then we have the stock market which all the pundits on everyones favourite MSM is shouting V DIP BABY. YAAAAA i don't think so. Record unemployment, increased debt and falling tax revenues and revenues across the board are shrinking...unless your a bank. The worst is yet to come and we should see something happen before may is done.

And we are now hearing and starting to see meat shortages and some food shortages because of the processsing plants mostly owned by multinationals and you guess it CHINA. They own about 80% of the pork cut in the US. This is all because of COVID-19. WTF there will be mass deaths because of food shortages. Farmers are being told to Cull all there cattle and pigs. HOLY FUCK who ever gave that order needs to be shot and fed to the pigs.


SO with all this bitching how do we defend ourselves against such ODDS?

  1. Start adding in alternative media to your news feed, London Real, Inforwars or

  2. Get food and meat in general. OAts, Rice, Honey, Peanut Butter, pastas and canned foods of course. FIll the freezer up with sale meat. Have about 3-6 months of supplies as it will take that much to replenish food supplies if shortages happen.

  3. If your not shorting the stock market you should be looking to take profits, adding stop losses or completely get out.

4.To combat the US dollar and market Getting destroyed one should Looking to getting physical gold and silver (which are hard to get atm because of SHORTAGES)

  1. Another new money asset class is the Cryptos. I love Crypto It can bring us freedom like we have never seen before.

I always suggest to start with bitcoin or ethereum. I have a Palmbeach confidential news letter and i'll give you some information right here right now. BTC buy up to 25,000 USD, Eth Buy up to 550. LTC up to 175

For a small coin that hasnt hit its buy up to yet is SNT up to .04. One of the coins to 5 million. I would give you more but they have passed their buy upto's

This is not investment advise but rather suggestions to combat the Fed's money Printing.

  1. Finally, Stand Up...Have Courage and most importantly always act with intentions of LOVE. Stand-up to tyrannical organizations can be scary but it will be rewarding because you have listened to your natural Instincts. Go See your Family, go see your Friends and most importantly. STOP BEING AFRAID.


That's it for today. Thank you Everyone please share and leave a comment for an open discussion. I'm always thirsty for different views and debating different view points and information.

Stand Strong and get Ready for comes at you.

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