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Trump: Against All Odds

Trump: Against All Odds


Donald J. Trump is undoubtedly the most dichotomous American president to have ever set foot in the Whitehouse; he is simultaneously revered and despised by the masses not only in the United States of America, but also abroad.

Apart from the period leading up to and including the US Civil War, the country has never been this divided. Such devastation has not occurred organically, but has rather been a systematic operation of destabilization and destruction that has taken place over the past several decades, in earnest since the 1990s, and aggressively since the turn of the century.

Enemies foreign and domestic have fervently conspired to accelerate the demise of the American experiment – one which had been unmatched in terms of freedom, democracy, capitalism, and innovation.

There can be no doubt that its greatest threat has been from within, a domestic one.

The reader need look no further than 1913 when a morally depraved US Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in late December of that year.

Enemies in the Gates

With regards to domestic enemies, though their supply is limitless, countless Democrat and Republican congressmen and congresswomen have systematically shredded all that was pure, righteous, and honorable as was so carefully crafted by the forebears of the American nation; they have traitorously reneged on their Oaths of Office whilst carrying out their self-serving (often personally lucrative) duties of office. Rather than serving their constituents, they have instead opted to sell their souls to corporate and pernicious actors and interests. What an utter disgrace!

Even in Trump's own party, Republicans have equally failed in their duties. His cabinet is no less void of such malignant and parasitical traitors.

In short, previous and current members of Congress (with very few exceptions, not excluding the likes of Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Devin Nunes, and Louie Gohmert) have utterly betrayed their countrymen and women, children, grandchildren to a global banking syndicate which I refer to as the International Banking Cabal; I have extensively documented their composition and crimes for which we must not exclude the trillions of dollars they have stolen from generations of citizens through illegal taxation and abhorrent inflation caused by reckless and intentional money printing which continues vigorously to this day.

Two-thirds Rotten

Never in American history has there been an instance in which two of the three branches of government, namely the legislative and the judicial, been so aligned against the founding principles of the republic that were so eloquently laid out in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution for the United States of America, and the Bill of Rights, the republic itself, including its own citizens and patriots.

And never has a leader of the executive branch ever been tornadoed into such a whirlwind of corruption, sedition, and treason.

The Founding Fathers must be turning in their graves.

The Deepest State

We all know that the Deep State runs deep. Real deep. Former CIA officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp has extensively documented the Deep State apparatus and rightfully contends to this day that dark powers have taken over America.

Such evil forces include, but are certainly not limited to the likes of Black Lives Matter and Antifa organizations that are Marxist at their core and handsomely funded by the likes of globalists such as George Soros and Bill Gates, along with countless "American" corporations.

Other very notable enemies of American freedom include the mainstream media (MSM) and Big Tech. Their instances of treason, betrayal, and crimes too numerous to list. Yet, just prior to the U.S. 2020 Election, they have openly, and most narcissistically and arrogantly I must add, colluded with these same treasonous dark forces not only to unseat a duly elected president, but more importantly, to assist in the destruction of the republic itself.

Weeks before Election Day, Facebook openly stated they would suppress (i.e., censor) "premature claims" regarding the outcome of the election and even established a "Oversight Board" geared towards censorship. This was to be affirmed, for as soon as November 5th, Facebook had confirmed they were actively censoring pro-Trump groups concerned over vote count irregularities. One mere example includes the suppression of #StopTheSteal group which had amassed over 350,000 followers in just 48 hours.

image source

Twitter fared no better with such machinations, also labeling the majority of Trump's tweets as "This claim about election fraud is disputed".

While there exists an abundance of evidence related to electoral fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, propagandist sellouts of the mainstream media will have nothing to report on the matter other than labeling all such claims as crazy and wild conspiracy theories.

It is quite easy to see for anyone with a modicum of critical thinking skills that these outlets are devoid of any kind of journalistic integrity.

Trump correctly observed on November 27th:

Big Tech and the Fake News Media have partnered to Suppress. Freedom of the Press is gone, a thing of the past. That’s why they refuse to report the real facts and figures of the 2020 Election or even, where’s Hunter!

Tweet from Donald J. Trump on November 27, 2020; URL:

Ironically, perhaps tragically, freedom of the press usually serves as a mechanism to keep the government in check; but in this twisted world, it is completely turned on its head, as, here, the press itself is not held accountable in their duty as the fourth estate.

One would expect such a skewed benchmark in an authoritarian state like communist China, but certainly not in America. Yet, here we are. This is the new reality which has been clearly confirmed and established for all to see.

The Second Biggest Fraud in American History

In case you're wondering what was the first, it was mentioned earlier in this article - namely the 1913 Federal Reserve Act.

This one, however is not as stealthy and covert as the former. Of course, I am talking about the monumental fraud that has taken place in countless states, counties, and municipalities across the United States on behalf of Democratic party and their army of minions and useful idiots.

One needn't look further than the egregious election crimes and fraud perpetrated on a massive scale in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Georgia (also see here), Michigan, and Arizona, but to name a few.

The eyewitness (election observers), circumstantial, videographic, statistical, and forensic evidence of fraud and manipulation is so brazen, obvious, and undeniable, that even a five year old could tell that this election was rigged to the highest degree.

On the bright side, Trump does have the support of countless patriots who won't sit idly by and do nothing, along with legal warriors such as former New York City major Rudy Guliani and star prosecutor Sidney Powell.

Sidney Powell, image source: The Epoch Times

Regrettable Regrets

Perhaps the single biggest regret of President Trump lay in his appalling choices for U.S. Attorney General. His first pick of horrors was Jeffrey Sessions, a spineless wimp who recused himself from a baseless "Russia Collusion" investigation which turned out to be an elaborate hoax and coup attempt against a sitting president.

Next, he appointed William Barr, a long-time Deep State swamp creature groomed by a traitorous CIA who had also held the same AG position under George H.W. Bush, a former CIA Director and 41st President.

Surely, the President had never watched The Untouchables where Jim Malone, played by Sean Connery, in pursuit of mobster Al Capone famously stated:

"If you're afraid of getting a rotten apple, don't go to the barrel. Get it off the tree."

It remains quite puzzling as to why there wasn't any kind of foresight here; Trump should have known better.

William Barr will go down in the history books as the modern day Benedict Arnold.

Just like the traitor of old had betrayed the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War by surrendering the American fort at West Point, New York, the traitor of new, Barr, has surrendered the entire edifice of justice to Deep State and foreign interests.

Though one could argue that President Trump made numerous other mistakes which have cost him and his country dearly, suffice it to say that the one mentioned above will arguably go down as his single biggest regret.

Trump on the brink, the Republic in the Balance

So here we find ourselves in early December. Trump is on the brink while the republic hangs in the balance.

While there is no shortage in the abundance of theories as to what the heck is really going on and nobody can be in a position to really know, a few things remain perfectly clear.

The 2020 US Presidential Election has yet to be officially certified, even though the mainstream media would have you believe that it is all settled and done with.

Joe Biden will be your next leader, they contend.

Yet, apart from citizen journalism and alternative media, there are still some outlets – such as The Epoch Times that have provided useful coverage of the coup unfolding in the USA. Sure, the outlet is not without bias, particularly towards China; but, on the whole, they have been consistent in their reporting on the egregious acts and coup attempts that have taken place ever since just prior to when Trump was elected in 2016.

Their reporting and infographic 'The 4-Year-Long Campaign Against Trump' offers a very detailed and well documented list of crimes perpetrated by bad actors which the Department of Justice, its AG Barr, and Special Counsel John Durham have refused to even lift a finger to indict or prosecute any of them.

Not only is freedom of the press dead in the United States of America, but apparently the same goes for justice.

President Trump himself openly admitted it to Maria Bartiromo that he suspected that the DOJ (Deparment of Justice) and the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigations) may even have been involved in this election fraud.

That is quite a statement to say the least; but what do you think the chances are of it being true if it comes from the mouth of the actual President of the United States?

Thankfully though, The Epoch Times has also done an extensive job in recording, documenting, and presenting the electoral fraud and crimes for the 2020 US Presidential Election. They are one of the only outlets to show a map of the real state of the election:

The Epoch Times US Presidential Election Map, as of 11/25/2020, source

The crimes are simply too numerous to go over. We will have to see how things play out in the coming days and weeks.

What will happen with all these legal challenges?

Though the mountains of evidence presented to the state legislatures and election offices may appear solid as steel, it wouldn't come as a big surprise if they are simply ignored altogether. Come past December 12 should the electoral college vote fail to materialize, the House of Representatives would go into an emergency session to decide on the matter, though this may not be the last of this election mess.

Commander in Chief

We must not forget that Donald J. Trump holds special powers including that of Commander-in-chief and as such exercises supreme operational command over all national military forces of the United States, not excluding the Department of Defense.

He recently fired his former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper whom I astutely pointed out last year as being a Military-Industrial-Complex swamp sellout who should not be trusted. I was right. And the timing of his firing is noteworthy – November 9th.

This was just a few days prior to the alleged raid of Dominion related servers in Frankfurt, Germany. As per The Oregon Conservative:

The corporate HQ for Dominion is in Frankfurt Germany. It is confirmed that Dominion has been raided and software seized in connection with election fraud in the US.

Sidney Powell, a lawyer for the Trump for President Campaign has confirmed that there was a raid in Frankfurt Germany by law enforcement officials, where Dominion Software was seized and is being analyzed for irregularities.

Dominion vote tabulation services are used in 11 U.S. States for vote tabulation and storage, with the Headquarters in Frankfurt, it looks like votes in our election were sent to Frankfurt and counted there and then returned to the states in question, in direct violation of US law.

As of now Powell confirmed that major fraud has been discovered that will assure Donald Trump of a second term.

While this author has no way of corroborating this claim, the fact that Sidney Powell did confirm it would lead me to believe that it is valid; for, I strongly doubt that an attorney of her caliber would make such a claim with the full knowledge that if it weren't true she would end up losing all credibility.

There is no doubt these Dominion voting systems have multiple back doors and ways in which votes can be manipulated or switched. And, as they were used in 11 U.S. States for vote tabulation, one can easily see how this can put one heck of a monkey wrench in state electors' capacity to secure their votes for the very corrupt Democrat Biden.

One must not forget the Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election that was issued on September 12, 2018.

Here are some notable highlights from the EO [emphasis added]:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.

Notice that even the distribution of "propaganda and disinformation" would be deemed treasonous. In other words, the complicity of the mainstream media and Big Tech could prove detrimental to them, or at the very least their corporate leaders.

I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Accordingly, we could currently be in such a "state of emergency" which would entail a whole set of special powers and privileges held by the Commander-in-chief.

The EO goes on with many more details, several of which I have yet to reconcile their implications.

Why would President Trump have gone through all this with his Executive Order if he had not anticipated what is currently taking place?

While President Trump has been surrounded by numerous traitors and bad actors over the past presidential term, there are many who believe that there are some in the military, true patriots or "White Hats" as many would like to call them, who have been helping him covertly to fight the Deep State and International Banking Cabal. One of those is believed to be his new Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller.

Incredibly and against insurmountable odds, Trump has made it this far.

So, the million dollar question is: what will come of all this?

I guess we will soon know if the good guys or the bad guys take control of the American republic. And we will also find out if Donald J. Trump will go down as one of the best presidents in the history of the United States.

God Bless the United States of America.
