Day 376. Russian secret deal to supply Iran with nuclear material!

Well now. This is going to be a big issue.

Russia is going to be warehousing enriched uranium AKA weapons grade material for Iran in this amazing uncovered shock of a situation. Yep that's right we are going to look at this directly impacting world's current events especially with the fight Iran has been having to access nuclear weapons as well as sponsorship of terror worldwide.

Basically what this means is is that we are going to see Russia allowing Iranian scientists and military personnel into their country and for them to be allowed to use Russian machines to make nuclear weapons. It's not like you give somebody a bunch of ammo and then...? What sit there...

Which now this is going to set the Israelis on fire and we're going to see most likely Israel attack Iran while also having a peace Accord with the far majority of its neighbors. Which means that nobody's going to get involved and we just might see a huge conflict arise over this and possibly even further escalation in this conflict.

Russia weird escalation ultimatums.

Apparently Western Nations providing air support now means that any Western Nations providing these aircraft if they service refuel or allow Ukrainian air support to land there immediately involved in the war. And apparently any country giving Ukrainian forces combat aircraft is now also going to have war declared upon. And this is according to the Russian federation themselves.

Russian forces just apparently continue moving the goal post around in some kind of an attempt to bully and intimidate the rest of the world as well as Force some kind of ultimatum upon the world.


Russian state media.

Apparently today's headline news from Russia is that the United States is behind this all. And yes I'm going to have to agree with Russia. Yep that's right I agree.

Russian State media actually is also very good at bringing out how violent America has been. Especially since the United States has been caught interfering in elections as well as more crazy stuff.

However the idea that we see United States military direct involvement is absolutely false.


However this guy sure has some interesting ideas especially since we've seen an entire world ascending phenomenal amounts of money to Ukraine.

A reference to the rest of the world listening during G20 summit is extremely fake news as international leaders laughed at the Russian delegation.

On top of it China is playing both sides and just waiting to snatch up the Eastern Siberian oil field.

Chinese sanctions!

In monumental news China is getting hit with international sanctions for its role in supporting and providing Russian federation aid.


Russian forces really leveled this entire Frontline area and the City really has absolutely been totally devastated which it looks like Russian forces are really excited over. We're not exactly sure how this will end however we are seeing massive amount of incremental gains at way too phenomenal of a cost.

Ukrainian forces really look like they are absolutely not going to give up and continuing to fight back with everything they've got.

On top of it here in a minute we are going to see a big huge counter offensive by Ukrainian forces as they suddenly start to get massive amounts of extremely technologically capable weapon systems showing up on the front lines.

I have actually expected word of Ukrainian forces taking heavy losses in this desperate fighting and with the amount of ordinance as well as the entire might of the Red army being deployed directly against this city it's only a matter of time before it finally falls but the cost that it takes? This might actually be the battle that destroys the Russian federation in its entirety.

And the situation starting to get more desperate. We've heard about massive amounts of losses as well as also seeing massive amounts of desperation. It does look like Ukrainian forces have waited a little bit too long to retreat out of this area. However it is getting right down to the wire and you never know here in a couple of seconds you we might just see all the tanks as well as armored personnel vehicles starting to show up to be able to relieve Bakhmut.



Russian military elements just might end up creating a trap for them to fall into. Actually as we're looking at it most likely this is wishful thinking however some interesting questions are actually posed here. Russian forces might actually have overextended themselves as well as providing a lot of holes for Ukrainian forces too breakthrough these different areas. Especially with the amount of paved roads that we have seen that are now vital to any troop movement in this entire conflict. We have actually hit the muddy season. So it is absolutely quite possible that we're going to see Ukrainian forces retaliate while this big huge massive push starts going in this area.



Front lines really haven't changed in the past 24 hours however the pressure really is on the Ukrainian military. However this actually has resulted in pinning the Russian forces and this incredible Titanic struggle it's actually proving that Ukrainian forces can easily manage dealing with this entire conflict. Yep that's right you're looking at all sorts of operational capability being employed during last moments of this stage of the conflict before we see massive amounts of more advanced NATO quality equipment now being shifted to the front lines.

Russian war crime video.

Definitely not going to post any pictures or video of this. However we are seeing possibly the execution of a Ukrainian soldier being released by the Russian ministry of defense. This propaganda actually most likely is going to backfire on the Russian military forces. Yeah unfortunately we might see that entire thing go viral as I've already seen a bunch of video screenshots about this event being shared around. A lot of outrageous going out in the international community over the situation as well as the huge amount of publicity this is already catching. The information war and the narrative absolutely does need to be controlled.

Himars attack.

Video bomb damage assessment of this hit absolutely shows how incredible as well as devastating these strikes really are. The absolute devastation of the tungsten submunitions? You can see how easily this weapon system was able to level these buildings and shatter all this brick that normally would have provided some solid protection.

Russian A50 AWACS strike.

Actually this is done inside of russia. Yep that's right there's no way that you could have flown such a tiny little drone all the way from border to be able to strike this target. That's just not how it works. In fact with the extremely limited range under 10 mi and most likely we're looking at about a one or two mile range with a DJI mavic or one of the air versions.

However the fact that Russian forces didn't even have any surveillance or security on this airfield is in another extremely distressing security lapse.

So basically we are watching Russian partisan individuals working inside Russia and it does look like this could be the beginning of the Russian civil war.

I am absolutely seeing a direct correlation with the extremely deep attacks behind Russian front lines targeting a massive amount of Russian federation critical infrastructure. It absolutely does seem like either it is the direct intervention of some deity or something but it definitely isn't natural. Yeah that's right we are watching quite a bit of direct action. I'm going to say that absolutely we could guarantee that the CIA or other intelligence agencies along with the Ukrainian spy networks are actually working in coordinated fashions to be able to achieve these strikes.

There's no way you could have gotten that exact coordinate without directly flying one of those drones over and actually landing it right on top of the radar dome of the a50 electronic warfare command and control Doomsday aircraft. Honestly enough this attack now has caused this aircraft to be taken out of the conflict completely and depending on how severe the damages it is going to take quite a bit to repair it. Yes absolutely it was able to be flown however you never know exactly what kind of internal damage we're going to see having to be addressed. Actually I'd really like to see the report however I don't think we're going to be able to get the Russian federation to share that information with the rest of the world.

The impact that sanctions are going to have against russia.

120 million rubles lost... Wow western sanctions are hitting hard.

Ukraine is on its way to the European union.

Combat veteran reacts.

Ukrainian forces are going to have a hard time withdrawing from the city. And absolutely we are going to see brutal fighting that is just going to continue to rage.

Watching Ukrainian forces slowly get closed in on during this entire conflict is not surprising and with the amount of equipment and personnel that we see the Red army employing it is just a matter of time. However the shocking part is that the Ukrainian forces are able to put up such a stiff resistance and thoroughly shut down the Russian advance into a slow crawl and incremental attempt.


We definitely can see that this pocket is starting to collapse however Ukrainian forces are engaging in massive bitter fighting. However, this city isn't falling quickly. Russian forces actually are closing off and locking down more territory as they advance which in turn endangers and threatens supply lines going in and out of the city.

Ukrainian forces have actually done a massive amount of preparation however there is going to be a massive amount of equipment in this area that is going to get lost. That being said there is a phenomenal amount of equipment about ready to hit the Ukrainian front lines so I think that we're going to see them either getting destroyed or having previously been moved. There isn't going to be a massive amount of ordinance left laying around for the Russian forces to get supplied with. In fact we can just watch this entire conflict change the entire way of that modern warfare is waged. Massive Russian supply dumps right now being proven as being way too vulnerable.

Combat veteran reacts posted another video this one about elite phone call. Russian mothers are starting to get really upset about the increase in the death toll. And rightfully so I can just imagine how upset we're going to see the population get as here in the United States our anti-war protesters got really upset and the family started getting really vocal even though we were taking microscopic amounts of casualties during The invasion and illegal occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Seymour Hersh and his still unsourced Nord stream pipeline theory.

Well yep ever since I started confronting one individual about that I absolutely did watch my earnings get immediately impacted. Well whatever I am still doing really amazing and I absolutely cannot complain. The only thing I can do is say thank you very much for the attention and for the support that he's already given me.

@v4vapid I'm going to leave my delegation as well as following your curation trail on there because you do a large amount of work for the entire community. I do a little bit here and there as I can I'm just small pitiful human being even though at times I get my own delusions grandeur.

An entire year ago I had no idea that I was going to run into such amazing success talking about this entire conflict has personally I was completely wrong about all of my ideas of what this conflict is.

However I am absolutely shocked that the one military that I thought would just completely and totally steamroll the entire European Union without breaking a sweat has ended up getting tied up. Now we are seeing the far majority of its military and military assets actually getting dumped into this entire conflict.

Russian demanding that other people respect it s borders and allow Russia to have expansionist wars have now caught up to it.

Now this is absolutely the pot calling the kettle black. However I'm not a pot or a kettle. The United States isn't me. And as a native American or actually indigenous Savage creature on this land, there's no support that I have for the government. Personally I really don't like government and I think that America is just as wrong for nearly getting us into nuclear war as Russia is for its threats.

However the entire peace process is going to be world-changing. Not only I but also a lot of people around the world have gotten very tired of the nuclear threats. Personally me as well. I really don't want to see this gorgeous and beautiful planet get turned into a barren wasteland..

The entire world does need peace however Ukrainian forces are doing too well on the battlefield and Russia is unwilling to accept anything less than it's previous Ukrainian occupied territories.

Military intelligence. CIA,KGB,MI6

Well if you have actually studied the CIA...


Ghost wars.

This is actually the third in the series. It covers the CIA and it's bumbling attempts to be a super secret spy agency during the entire global war on terror. I've actually got previous volume saved which happens to be from the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. The first in this entire series covers the beginning of the CIA all the way through into the 80s and the beginning of the Afghan conflict.

Seriously if you want to know all about how you can see the real CIA this book is more than phenomenal as well as detailing the massive amounts of crap as well as illegal operations, black sites illegal prisons. Torture as well as other wild situations that the CIA has once again tarnished the reputation of the United States with.

And oh the dirty secrets...

Trust me if you want to find ammunition to use in your arguments about the United States and it's illegal immoral and crazy operations? This is one you really need to read you have everything from Oliver North and freeway Ricky Ross as well as the origins of all this and operation Phoenix the war in Laos and Cambodia all the way to modern day times.

Unfortunately both sides of the military intelligence of the United States and Russia are really not as good as they claim to be. Reading this you'll understand exactly how insane this is.

Anyways. Here's my instalment to the coverage of the Ukrainian conflict.

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