Understanding - Deep Brain Chain - Discussion

Deep Brain Chain (DBC)
Aims to distribute large "on-demand" computing network in the AI industry.


"Artificial intelligence products need to train models by neural network calculation, and the data model training process needs to consume a large amount of computing resources. "

Source: DeepBrain Chain White paper


"A neural network is a class of computing system. They are created from very simple processing nodes formed into a network. They are inspired by the way that biological systems such as the brain work, albeit many orders of magnitude less complex at the moment.

They are fundamentally pattern recognition systems and tend to be more useful for tasks which can be described in terms of pattern recognition. They are 'trained' by feeding them with datasets with known outputs.

As an example imagine that you are trying to train a network to output a 1 when it is given a picture of a cat and a 0 when it sees a picture that is not a cat. You would train the network by running lots of pictures of cats through it and using an algorithm to tweak the network parameters until it gave the correct response. The parameters are usually a gain on each input and a weight on each node as well as the actual structure of the network (how many nodes, in how many layers, with what interconnections).

Recognising cat pictures is actually a quite complex problem and would require a complex neural network (possibly starting with one node per pixel). A usual starting point for experimenting with neural networks is to try and implement simple logic gates, such as AND, OR, NOT etc. as neural nets."

Source : Luke Graham


We are already at an early stage wherein we are adapting bit by bit the development of AI application. Below are the list of AI related device/app that I am currently aware of:

Facial recognition
Voice recognition
Video games
Smart car
Surveillance camera and etc..

It is stated in their Whitepaper that there is a massive amount of computing resource necessary for an Artificial Intelligence data to train.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the time needed for “Training/Trial and error” the Development of the system itself is extremely disadvantageous to the “Enterprise product” that is why these AI firm(s) relies and invests a lot of money to purchase GPU/hardware resource, and directly purchasing the AI chip providers like “NVIDIA”.

It is relatively like the ecosystem of Mining in Bitcoin but specifically used in the AI industry.

Source: DeepBrain Chain whitepaper

Also, DBC will be listed on KuCoin on December 25th 2017!

You may want to use the below link for ease of reference:

Invitation link : https://www.kucoin.com/#/?r=123sf
Invitation code: 123sf

Overall, even though this post is a short research compilation of the (DBC) I hope this urge some of you to appreciate and take some time to read the Whitepaper of DeepBrain Chain. In addition, I would highly appreciate if any of you found some inconsistency/incorrect information regarding this post and share some key points that are necessary to highlight about DBC.

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