Deco Network


Building the Economic Layer to our Digital Infrastructure


Software projects remain as unbanked entities. There's need for a greater collaboration in software development which indicates why creating financial rails for these projects is important.

Of course, an existing decentralized registry provides a little solution by seamlessly allowing developers list and use packages, API and projects in any format they can relate with but the main benefits are eliminated if no mechanism exists to curate the supply side of the network and reward contributors and curators with value of their contribution.


Deco Network propose a solution to the above problems with a native network token. Deco Network also also propose the creation of a smart-contract-powered platform that includes command line tools, a marketplace and a dashboard that enable developers to easily access the underlying registry protocol and decentralized repository.


The open decentralised blockchain revolution is no doubt, one of the most remarkable humans achievements. But, there is still a massive amount of wasted efforts and manpower in the development community in the form of solved problems which need to be tackled repeatedly for every new implementation.

The solution is in two folds

  1. To establish a new market for reusable code where developers can pay a fee for leveraging on an existing building block or services that has been submitted by another developer. The seller sets the fee to claim the value for a job they have done or service provided and use of modules improves developers likelihood of building a better application, faster and reliable.

For instance, if you're a traveller and you travel every year to a new location to execute a business, instead of building a new house yearly in different locations where you plan to stay and execute a business which consumes time and resources, why not rent a house for a fee? This apartment can also be rented by another when you vacate. But in the case of Deco Network, it's even better because you don't need to stop using an existing developer's work before it can be used by another.

  1. Smart contract-based infrastructure can act as the bank for open source software projects. These solutions are implemented in two components:

a. Deco.Network
b. Deconet Token (DCO)

Deco.Network is a marketplace and dashboard built on top of a decentralized and smart-contract-based registry and repository. The DCO is the primary unit of membership that the network members use to curate the network with. DCO also incentivize adoption and network parameter setting.

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