How I Simplify My Life

Have you ever had the feeling that your life is a complete mess, and your to-do list is growing day by day? That was exactly my life.

So I asked my friends, how they organise themselves, and I started to read books about this topic. And tested different systems till I came up with 3 main ideas that helped me to simplify, organize and reprogram my life.

Daily Routines

I could say the morning routine is the most important habit I have. I wake up and have a glass of water. Then I do some yoga stretch exercises. That already feels so good. 

You could extend this routine, with reading or writing your thoughts into a journal. Once this routine is automated, you don\"t have to think anymore.

Or take my evening routine. You can imagine how you feel when you jump from using a computer device directly into bed and try to sleep. I guess not so good, and that actually affects your sleep quality very badly too.

That’s why I set the alarm clock on my phone at a specific time. And when it rings I shut down all my devices, dim the lights, maybe do some meditation and sometimes even do some stretching before I go to bed.

This routine has definitely not only simplifed my life but increased my life quality overall.

Plan The Day

After my morning routines, I do plan my day. If I don\"t plan my day, I react to all things that happen to me. Emails I receive, or people I meet which ask me if I can help them. And funny enough I keep saying YES to all people’s requests.

This still happens to me today. When I don\"t plan my day in the morning I just go through the day, and in the evening I am left with the feeling not having done anything important or anything for myself.

If I plan my day I ask myself important questions what I should do to move forward towards my main goals? What do I want to reach in my life, or what things are important for myself or for my family, right now?

Declutter My Space

Both, private space and working space, need to be decluttered. Period. A clean environment is also a clean mindset. So clean it up, clean your desk. Declutter you home and get rid of old stuff.

I used the Konmari method from the book of Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up, to get rid of my old stuff, things that I don\"t want, that are not bringing me any joy. 

It happened more than once I had a new book in my hands which I thought that is one of my favorite books. But it didn’t spark any joy to me. So I gave it away as a gift.

Obviously there are more ways how you can simplify your life. So I invite you to think and find out for yourself, what are some ideas that would help you to simplify your life.

Here’s a challenge for you. 

If you think of a messy place right now or something that you want to get rid of, then do it today. Just grab it, do it, clean it up. 

If it takes longer or you\"re in bed right now, then write down in your daily planning to do it the very next day.

Remember you can have the life you want and become your own architect, so start to design and create your life, today.

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