New exclusive posts by The Unfake Media on decentralized platforms!

We first posted this at

We see that there is a growing amount of censorship on social media and that these platforms are really cracking down on people who question the official story and expose the fake media, so we hope that people will move away from these censored fully controlled platforms and come to decentralized ones that allow free speech and are not controlled by a central entity.

To help push this movement away from the platforms of the NWO we have decided to start publishing our content on these platforms.

If you visit you will find that we have a menu with a button that says connect, if you click that it will take you to a page with some links and other ways to connect with The Unfake Media.

Some of those include ZeroNet and Bitmessage these are two decentralized platforms that we are using.

ZeroNet is a P2P internet platform that allows people to create blogs and websites that can not be censored as far as we have seen. It costs nothing to set up a website or blog because there is no central authority to charge for use of the service.

When you download and run the ZeroNet software, you help to keep the network going and download parts of the sites that you visit. Something that does make Zeronet less user-friendly than the normal internet is the lack of easy to remember domain names.

For example the web address of The Unfake Media blog on Zeronet is.

Note that there is a way to have easier to remember domain names on ZeroNet but that requires a cost via the Namecoin system, this is not something we have figured out yet but hope to in the future.

We have been posting all our content on our Zeronet blog so that if Wordpress did decide to take our website down there would be an alternative way for people to access our content. We want more people using these innovative platforms, so we are going to post some of our content on them exclusively before we post them on so please set up some of this software and check out these platforms.

Here is a link to the website for downloading the ZeroNet software.

There is a ZeroNet Android app, but it is still in development so hopefully in some time that will be a viable way to use ZeroNet.

Here is a link to the app.

After you download the ZeroNet software just unzip it to your desktop and run the ZeroNet Windows command.

After you run the ZeroNet Windows command, ZeroNet should open a new tab in your browser and you can start to explore ZeroNet.

Be warned that because of the lack of censorship you never know what you will find and you should be careful.

To visit our blog on ZeroNet just paste this web address into your address bar well you have the ZeroNet software open.

If you try to type this address into your web browser and access our blog it will NOT work if you do not have the ZeroNet software downloaded and running on your computer.

Also we will be sending out our posts on Bitmessage a decentralized encrypted email alternative.

To receive our Bitmessage posts download the Bitmessage software linked below and then send the word subscribe to our Bitmessage address.

Bitmessage software download link.

There is also an app for Bitmessage that you can download for Android.

Here is our Bitmessage address.


In the future we hope to be on even more decentralized platforms so check the connect page once in while to see if we are on any new platforms. If you subscribe to our Bitmessage, we will also update you about any new platforms we are on.

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2018

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