DecentMemes - about curation and some statistics and future development

Hey everyone!

Many of you probably already read about on @netuoso's announcement post about it, I just wanted to add some more details about it and its curation which has been mainly done by me since the site has been up and running. In his announcement post you can also read more about the upcoming roadmap of so go check it out if you haven't yet.

First off I wanted to thank @netuoso for his amazing dev work on the site and how fast he was with it. Since we've launched we haven't had any major issues and some small ones have been fixed really fast. The latest big changes to it which many minnows out there will also appreciate a lot are being able to vote through the site: and being able to use the voteslider that let's you choose the vote you want to give to the memes even if you have less than 500 SP which currently is the requirement on to get the slider.

It now also offers a never ending scroll function on categories Hot, Trending and New and if you open the meme in fullscreen you can easily jump to the next or previous one with the arrows on the site or the ones on your keyboard.

The site is made to be as simple as possible and right now I am very impressed by how well it is working. A big shoutout to @beercake as well for the new and stylish design to the site! I can recommend him for future design work if you need someone to take a look into it, go give his account a follow to check out his posts!


As some of you actively posting on may have noticed lately is that I have been manually voting on all memes so far which has been a ton of work and my voting power sure isn't looking all too great lately. :)

The project takes beneficiary rewards, 5% go to our developer @netuoso, 5% to me and the remaining 5% go to the account which will be rewards for the manual curators that I will be selecting for the project later. We are hoping to receive some help to increase our voting power towards memes as the activity is increasing. After only 5 days it has already come off to a great start compared to all the other apps on the Steem blockchain as you can see here:

We want to keep curation manual for as long as possible and in the future if scaling becomes an issue assign some steemians onto auto-votes that have shown to provide quality and decent memes on a regular basis. :)

After curating for some time I just want to say that the overall quality and originality has been getting a lot better. Some time ago I used to have meme-contests and compared to then it has become much better which I'm sure is also due to the increase of new users joining the platform lately! We are also planning on adding some "Know your meme" links to the popular meme backgrounds and adding more default Steemian and other crypto memes to the site, stay tuned for that.

Please try not to copy-paste memes that recently have been posted by other Steemians as I will start flagging those after repeated abuse. Another good idea if you don't want to clutter your main account with memes is to create an alt account for them, we are going to add a way to create accounts on decentmemes as well soon but in the meantime you can use steeminvite for simple and cheap account creation.

Thanks for reading and all the feedback for!

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