Debunked: The Illuminate

I am a big fan of conspiracy theories though I am not a big believer in them, really I just find it interesting to see the ideas people come up with and how they rationalize things. There are a lot of theories you can tell straight of that bat are just fiction but then there are some that are hard to disprove or prove and a small portion that turn out to be true. I am going to be posting a series of blogs discussing a range of theories and sharing my opinion on them.

I use the Illuminati to refer to a group with an unknown name that supposedly are the real leaders of the world. There are many theories trying to figure out who the members of this group are, there are some names the come up more than others however it is widely assumed there is a mix of the most powerful people in the word from various countries coming together and using their influence to pilot the world in a direction that suits them best.

New world order

The theorized goal of such an organization is to over time create a landscape where one central government could be created, ruling over the entire world. To achieve this goal the group is thought to be creating conflicts using their influence to weaken world governments to the point where they could gain full control.

It is widely believed that such a group acts in sinister way looking to burn things down so they can be the one to rebuild and claim ownership, though there is no real proof. In fact I would say you could equally argue that such a group does exists but they are less interested in power and more interested in bettering the world and moving things forward rather than back.

My theory:

In the political and sociological climate we live in it seems hard to rationalize one central illuminate type group working for a common goal and having members spanning the globe.

At the end of the day the rich and powerful are just people, they still share basic human emotions and instincts, so having a group of many representatives from many countries seems to be more of a hassle than its worth as the most influential people on earth wouldn't need help from a much larger group. Look at the influence a person like Kylie Jenner has, a 20 year old from a famous family and by posting one thing on the internet she can reach millions of people. A person with larger influence the type that influences her family would not need to recruit people from around the world they have enough influence with important people to push a goal.

I see it to be much more likely that there is no central group, I think we would see the same format we see in every interaction involving large amounts of people, many small groups form that all work toward their individual goal, occasionally collaborating or working with other groups.
People simply don't have a huge amount of trust, people have their inner circle of people they share the most with and then there is a wider circle that get told a little bit of the information.

That same outline fits in every organization of people, in schools pupils groups up and have their inner circle and then a wider group they are acquainted with, the same goes for in an office, in a government, in a protest, know matter what it is people have a small group they trust with a lot and a wider group they trust with a little.

I know its not as exciting as large evil organization plotting to rule the world but too me it is a much more realistic theory. Do you think an Illuminate type group is running the world? Comment your thoughts, Upvote if you enjoyed and follow for more.

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