Debrief 9/21/2018

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Lanny Davis's entire propaganda story about Cohen is now falling apart. They drafted the plea deal back before April, this was all in the works to be released at the exact same time as Manafort ruling. FEC says that Trump did not violate election laws but if we flashback to 2016 the FEC reported that they did.

FEC Complaint Says Clinton Campaign, DNC Violated Law Over Trump Dossier
Former Clinton Pollster: Hillary Clinton Broke Campaign Finance Laws, Not Donald Trump
MUST SEE: Former Head of Federal Elections Says Cohen Payment IS NOT an In Kind Campaign Contribution (AUDIO)

Trump says longstanding legal practice of flipping 'almost ought to be illegal' Cooperation in exchange for a lighter punishment. These statements are on purpose.
Q Post 1685:
Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?
Logical thinking.

Q Post 1886:
Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 6:10-18
15 Aug 2018 - 12:12:17 PM
"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
– Corinthians 13:4-13

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints."
– Ephesians 6:10-18

We are watching a show with Trump, Session, Giuliani and the rest. The strategy is to mirror everything the deep state is doing, slowly wake the people up at the same time and use the strategy of Sun Tzu. The good guys are appearing weak, like they are beaten, meanwhile they are strong and they are learning from the enemy and mirroring everything they are doing. This is a setup because the storm is about to hit and it is going to hit hard. The deep state they are ready to run and hide if they can. The hammer is about to fall and its going to fall hard.

Mirrors? They are setting up the deep state right now. Everything will be mirrored back on them.
FISA to spy on Trump = FISA for NSA to spy on Hillary. They agreed that this is ok. They can't protest this.
Trump secretly recorded; Hillary secretly recorded. They agreed this was ok.
Campaign manager Manfort; Campaign manager Podesta. Bring him up on charges.
Manafort trial; Podesta trial.
Cohen offices raided; Perkins Coie offices raided.
Trump attorney client privileges waived by court; Hillary attorney client privilege waived by court.
Flipping is legal, and the Media is backing that up against Trumps assertions it should be illegal.
People that flip on Clinton can't come out and say it should be illegal.
They are trapping the media and deep state so that they cannot object because they did it to Trump and found nothing. This is part of the plan.

Everything that we are seeing, everything that is going on is to setup the deep state. Human trafficking arrests are way up. Russia reports that the UN secretly did not allow Syria to rebuild their economy and country. Russia calls on the US to remove itself from Syria. The Patriots are draining the swamp but there is a lot more work ahead because the deep state is deep into government, the judicial system, other countries.

Durable good order drop most in six months. The yield curve is flattening and has dropped below Japan's for the very first time. The central bank in Russia is on fire 10 months after the Federal Reserve in NY. The entire system is breaking down very rapidly, the economy is ripping itself apart, they central bank system was not created to last this long. Messages are being sent to the central banks that their days are numbered.

Setup: Court ruling that Trump cannot ban people on Twitter who are commenting because it is a public forum. He was banning people to get the court to rule this way. This will be used against them. Mirrored.

Mass layoffs at Well Fargo as a result of declining real estate market. Federal reserve officials are keeping everything in motion, they will be raising interest once again. Trump when asked if the Fed should be independent he side tracked the answer. Russia says its time to move away from the dollar and with the additional sanctions the move is now.

What has been accomplished:
Trump elected even though the media supported Hillary and the election was rigged.
More pedos have been arrested in the year and a half under Trump than under any previous president in that time period. Weekly we hear about sex rings being exposed.
Half of congress is stepping down and not running for re-election.
Hundreds of CEO's and other higher ups in corporations stepping down.
The upper tiers of the DOJ have been removed and replaced.
We know about Nexium and the Podestas along with a signifigant number of Hollywood elites being exposed.
Saudi Arabia went through a huge corruption purge.
The puppet masters in North Korea have been neutralized.
Several assignation attempts have been thwarted.
Human trafficking rings have been exposed on the Mexico border.
The DOJ has legitimate investigations going on. To name a few: The Clinton Foundation; Clinton emails; Uranium One; voter fraud; several murders including Seth Rich; and the treasonous acts of the 2016 election and since.
Retooling and revamping of the Judicial branch.
Establishing alliances in the Legislative branch.
Over 45,000 sealed indictments.
The public is aware of the mainstream media skullduggery.
The public is more suspicious of the official narrative making it more possible to implement the rest of the plan.
The US economy is no longer being strangled to make alternative governments appear appealing.
Gitmo is ready for new tenants.

Who are they fighting? min 19:00

No name passed away and Q predicted when this would happen. There are many coincidences which at this point is mathematically impossible. Big week ahead of us. The deep state are pushing their agenda in Syria and everywhere and it looks like time is running out for them. Arrests are coming, the truth is coming.

US yield curve looks like it is getting ready to invert, it is now the flattest since Aug 2007. According to the Fed there is nothing to worry about. The US economy is in a death cross and the outlook does not look good. The BIS reports that if Trump's policies continue the entire globalist system will come down. Trump announced a deal with Mexico, NAFTA has been replaced with a new deal. This is phase I and most likely this entire deal will be removed in the next go around. The good guys are preparing the economy for the transition.

The Trap Is Set, Now Comes The Foreshadowing, Think Mirror
Cohen's lawyer finally admits that his story was not real. Trump continues with dropping his breadcrumbs about Clinton, Comey and the rest. This is foreshadowing of what is to come. The feud between Session and Trump continues to keep all eyes of what is really going on. The news media continues to call McCain a hero and they lashed out at Trump for not keeping the flag at half staff. Q is letting us know that it is almost showtime and everything that we are seeing is foreshadowing of what is to come, think mirror. The push to get the last deep state paid mercenary army is happening right now, once they are removed from Idlib the troops will be coming home.

This Has Been Planned Years Ago To Rid The Country Of Our Controllers
Starter homes are the most expensive just before the last housing crisis. Most people are not making enough to afford these homes. Case Shiller is now reporting that home prices are becoming weaker in the 20 cities that the bubbles were created in. The student loan official quits. We are seeing many individuals resigning because of corruption. Trade deal with Mexico is putting pressure on Canada. The plan to take down the controllers was coordinated a long time ago, they knew the central banks were not helpful to the people, in the end they will be exposed.

Big Puzzle Piece Revealed, Follow The Dark Money
Trump comes out and says that social media giants are censoring, it is time to regulate these companies to keep it open and free for everyone. Macron tweets out that everything is changing. Q drops many breadcrumbs that have to do with a big puzzle piece is revealed, dark money exchanged between foundations, the upcoming case against Ohr and is behind close door testimony. Who are the firewalls, what did they control. UN wants to investigate Yemen. US is removing support for Saudi Arabia. Enjoy the show.

The Total Implosion Of The Central Banking Economy Accelerates
Best Buy is reporting slowing online sales. Pending home sales decline for the 7 month in a row. Buying sentiment is down and we are entering the fall and winter months when sales slow because of the time of year. The Fed is raising interest rates to make the situation even worse. GDP number were revised even higher. Argentina is now begging the IMF for the bailout. Canada might come to an agreement regarding the new trade deal that the US and Mexico came to.

The Deep State In Total Panic Because It's All About To Blow
The White House has a petition to allow the internet to be free from banning. It turns out that Steele was colluding with a sanctioned Russian individual. South Sudan signs a peace deal. Iran might scrap the entire nuclear deal. Russia reports that the White Helmets are staging the chemical attack. Secret meeting are taking place in Syria with the US to bring the troops home. Q drops many more breadcrumbs, explains that the deep state is in panic, everything is about to blow and when it does the entire country will learn the truth.

We Are Witnessing The Nation Being Prepared For A New Economic System
The Feds inflation indicator jumps and finally hits their target. The Fed has no excuse now but to raise the interest rate to keep the economy from overheating. Trump decides that non military federal employees will not get raises starting in 2019. Strange that he would do this now since the economy is doing so well. This is part of the plan, shutdown departments, stop raises, let go Federal employees. All of this is in preparation for the new economic system.

Tick, Tock, Time Is Almost Up, Preparing The Masses Is Almost Complete
Trump slams the MSM that they report fake news, this is in preparation for the declassification of reports and pushing the truth out there. North Korea is fake news. Trump is now playing with the MSM, drills, no drills. Russia delivers intel to the US about the false flag that is coming in Syria. Q drops more breadcrumbs, what we are seeing now is the process of preparing the public for the truth, but before the truth can come out it needs to be pointed out that the MSM reports fake news, when the truth comes out they will either report the facts or make them up and if they make them up they will be called out on it.

The Globalists System Is Being Taken Apart One Piece At A Time
UMich economic conditions are worsening since the election. The manipulated shows the economy doing well, but the people economy is in imploding. Last time we saw this happen the country went into a recession. Trump rejects EU offer on auto tariffs. Trump claims Bloomberg leaked off the record information on the Canadian deal which might put into jeopardy. Trump repeats that he might withdraw the US from the WTO.

Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated
The MSM is reporting that Mueller is going to drop a bombshell, which most likely will fizzle. Google and Mastercard share info without the public knowing. Trump says that Google, Twitter and Amazon might have anti-trust problems. Q drops many breadcrumbs and confirms the plan. CIA and NSA systems might have been taken down according to Q. Sessions plan is working, the deep state and the MSM fell for the bait and now the countdown officially starts.

The Plan, Deploy Economic Leverage To Weather The Economic Storm
The American student is deep in debt from student loans and it is out of control. Trumps fight against Amazon and the Post Office has been delayed because of the Senate. The plan is to change the world via economic deleveraging. When the bubble pops all the wealth and profits will completely disappear.

Brace for IMPACT...The Storm Is Here, We Have Been Warned, Prepare Now
68% of voters are against illegal immigrants coming into the country. Federal Judge says that Obama's DACA rule is illegal. Russia to stop carrying astronauts to the space station. The FBI arrests 5 of the New Mexico terrorist compound. CIA admits to infiltrating America via civilian jobs. Q drops more breadcrumbs and says to prepare for impact. The new is about to drop and the people of the US are going to be shocked. The deep state might retaliate using their Horizon program. Prepare now and be ready.

The Central Bankers Attempted To Destroy The US, They Have Failed
The central bankers are now threatening the BREXIT, if there is no deal there might be difficulties for several economic sectors. Australians are spending as the housing market collapses. IBM layoff 20K older American workers and hires 37,000 younger foreign workers. The central banker economy is collapsing at an accelerated pace. The Fed is raising rates during a period of time when it shouldn't.

Infiltration Runs Deep,Operation Counter Clowns,Congress Is In Session[s]
The MSM continues to distract from the real issue, FISA abuse and spying on American citizens. Wikileaks associate has disappeared. Rockets rain down on Libya. US getting ready to remove the deep state bases in Syria, false flag coming soon. Q drops more breadcrumbs, the CIA infiltration runs deep, congress is back in session and Sessions is ready to prosecute. Operation Specialist on a mission to stop an event, Q warns that an event might be on the horizon.

The Dirty Little Secret Was Released To The Public, Part Of The Plan
Cryptos crash the banks say they are not going to setup crypto trading desks, part of the central banks plan. GM sales plunge as they continue to hide their data. The global financial system is breaking down and this is by design, currencies are declining, markets are detached, this is by design and the entire system will breakdown. Trump has let the secret out to the public, this is step 1, step 2 is next explaining why the Fed should be not be in charge of the financial system.

The Public Has The Right To Know, It's Time To Expose The Lies
Judicial Watch uncovers information that the Podesta group was dealing with Ukraine just like Manafort. Evidence is now pointing towards Obama signing off on the FISA warrant. Trump starts the case of why Mueller is conflicted.JW Sues DOJ for Records About Raid on Michael Cohen’s Office. Five Eyes wants access to all encryption. Taliban wants direct talks with Afghanistan government. Russia bombs Idlib. Q drops many breadcrumbs that the release of the FISA 20 pages is coming very soon.

It's All Connected, Prepare For Everything & Anything
Jobless claims drop to 49 year low, everyone has a job or the number are manipulated to the extreme, yup manipulated. ADP reports show slow growth.US factory orders slow. Wells Fargo is trouble again for changing customer information. The bear market is approaching and the rich are moving to New Zealand. The economy is connected to everything, if bad news comes out it will effect the economy and might even collapse it, be prepared because the news is coming.

We Knew This Day Would Come,Conspiracy No More,Protective Measures Are In Place - Episode 1657b
x22report (69) in strzok • 15 days ago
Booker threaten he was going to release emails showing Kavanaugh is racist, it was a complete dud, it shows the opposite.JW reports that Strzok drafted the email for Comey. UK pushes the false flag with pics of two individuals who they say are Russian agents. NK sets a timeline for denuclearization, Trump and Kim Jong Un trade letters and NK has faith in Trump. Trump prepares the country for the declassification of the 20 page FISA warrant. Tweets out about draining the swamp. The deep state tries to fight back by creating the resistance, this is from an anonymous source and they are trying to push the agenda that the people in the administration are against Trump and his policies. Q drops more breadcrumbs, the plan is in motion, conspiracy no more, protective measures in place. This most likely will be the first phase and there will be more coming. The people of America are going to get hit with the truth and many will not be able to handle what is going to be revealed.

[When Central Banks Loses Credibility, There Will Be A Run On Gold & Silver Like We've Never Seen:David Morgan()

Fed Unprepared For The Next Crisis, Translation:Their System Is Done - Episode 1658a
x22report (69) in pensions • 14 days ago
Public and private pensions are in trouble, they are so underfunded that when the next crisis hits many people will discover their retirement does not exist. The MSM is now pushing the idea that the Fed interest rate hikes are enough and they should back off now. Fed reports that they will not be prepared for the next crisis, which means their system is done.

Surveillance Initiated,Tracking,Desperate People Do Desperate Things,Goodbye [RR] - Episode 1658b
x22report (69) in sessions • 14 days ago
Trump wants sessions to go after the anonymous NY Times article writer, part of the plan. For the first time Obama calls out Trump, panic sets in. Twitter says they have banned around 600,000 accounts. Mattis make an unannounced visit to Kabul. Iranians burn down their consulate in Iraq. Russia and Syria push the offensive in Syria. Trump does a 180 and says we want regime change in Syria, wink, wink. Q drops more breadcrumbs. They are keeping an eye on everyone and it seems RR decided to run and he might have been stopped. The declas is coming very soon, could be any day.

We Are Watching A Coordinated Economic Takedown Of The Old System - Episode 1659a
x22report (69) in rising-rates • 12 days ago
Rising rates will bring down the banks and the entire economic system. Trump wants companies to bring manufacturing to the US that is why there are tariffs being placed on certain industries. What is happening here is that Trump is breaking up the globalists system. The global growth is slowing and everything is freezing up, this is on purpose and it is designed to bring the entire system to its knees.

Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b
x22report (69) in third-world • 12 days ago
Message has been sent by the deep state to operatives, the sleep cells are activated. We are now seeing Obama and Clinton come out of the wood work, this is part of the plan. People need to seem them again to place them in the forefront. The battle has started in Syria, channels have been taken down. Q drops more breadcrumbs, cells are now active, message are acknowledged, everything is going according to the plan.

The Fed & Former Fed Heads Are Now Worried About The Future Of The Fed - Episode 1660a
x22report (69) in credit • 11 days ago
Consumers are tapped out, credit cards are at their max as revolving credit hits a new all time high. GDP growth getting better and better, Trump counters Obama, showing that he does have a magic wand. US ports are worried about the tariffs, they say they are going to lose jobs if this keeps up. The Former Fed chiefs are worried about the next financial crisis and they are making the case that the Fed will need to print money like we've never seen before and they need the government to allow them to do this.

The Fed & Former Fed Heads Are Now Worried About The Future Of The Fed - Episode 1660a
x22report (69) in credit • 11 days ago
Consumers are tapped out, credit cards are at their max as revolving credit hits a new all time high. GDP growth getting better and better, Trump counters Obama, showing that he does have a magic wand. US ports are worried about the tariffs, they say they are going to lose jobs if this keeps up. The Former Fed chiefs are worried about the next financial crisis and they are making the case that the Fed will need to print money like we've never seen before and they need the government to allow them to do this.

It's All Being Coordinated At The Same Time To Transition The Country - Episode 1661a
x22report (69) in manipulation • 10 days ago

Wholesale trade is declining as the economy continues to decline. The economy is being propped up with the same manipulation from passed Presidents, this is on purpose so Trump can remove the issue of he destroyed the economy. The entire plan is bring the people to justice, transition the country away from the central bank and deep state. The MSM is worried that the Fed might be raising rates to fast and it might bring down the economy.

Attention On Deck, Battle Stations,Prepare If You Have Not - Episode 1661b
x22report (69) in fisa • 10 days ago

Trump is bringing those that participated in the FISA warrant and having them speak out. He is in the process of weakening them all. New text messages of Strzok and others show they were leaking info to the news. Peace talks continue in Afghanistan. The White Helmets and paid mercenaries are rehearsing and filming the gas attacks, right on cue. The buildup to take the remaining paid mercenaries out of the picture and destroy the deep state infrastructure. Q drops more bread crumbs, wants everyone on deck, prepare for battle. The FISA warrants will be released soon.

Central Bankers Are Desperate,First Test Case In The US Ready - Episode 1662a
x22report (69) in real-estate • 9 days ago

The real estate market is declining rapidly, when the Fed raises rates again in Sept the housing market will implode. This will kick off a chain reaction and will hit other industries. The central banks (Fed) have been preparing to have out cash to keep the public happy as the system crashed. The central bankers are using Chicago as a test case for Universal Basic Income. They know their system is breaking down and they are going to do whatever they can to keep the public happy so they are not blamed.

Timing Is Everything, Panic In DC, Rats Running, No Place To Hide - Episode 1662b
x22report (69) in eo • 9 days ago

Trump signed an executive order to sanction anyone that interferes with the US election.JW is suing the government for the emails on Weiner's laptop. Jeff Session looking to investigate social media giants. Grand Jury indicts the NM compound individuals. The deep state is pushing their agenda in Libya attacking the oil facilities. Syria making trade deals with other countries to rebuild their country. Q drops more breadcrumbs reports the rats are panicking and they are ready to run but there is no place to hide.

The Economic Crisis Is On Schedule - Episode 1663a
x22report (69) in housing • 8 days ago

The housing bubble is starting to crack in places where people never thought it would happen. Las Vegas the housing market is booming but now we are seeing cracks in the market. The Federal Tax Receipts are going to enter the negative zone soon. The next economic crisis is right on schedule. The bubbles are popping we hit the top of all the bubbles and they are ready to pop. It is a matter of time and when they pop its going to be disastrous for many people. Russia continually calls upon countries to use their national currency and to dump the dollar.

The Plan Is In Place, Prepare For The MOAB, Twelve Steps Ahead - Episode 1663b
x22report (69) in wikileaks • 8 days ago

Wikileaks associate is still missing but his personal belongings have been found. Google's video has been leaked to the public. EU passes copyright laws that is going to destroy free speech and allow censorship. John Kerry violates the LOGAN ACT and nothing is being done about it. US missile destroyer arrives near Syria. The false flag is now going to be pushed forward and the deep state is now falling for the trap. Q drops more breadcrumbs and lets the anon's know that the plan is in place, prepare for the MOAB and they are always twelve steps ahead. Many of the Qanon sites have been taken down, Q has warned about this.

It's Happening, Get Ready For A New Economic System - Episode 1664a
x22report (69) in brexit • 7 days ago

Bank of England is warning that if there is no deal BREXIT the entire economic system will come crashing down but the banks will be ok. Central bankers threatening those who want to leave. Sears is going down, they can not survive and in the next couple of months most likely after the holidays Sears will not exist. Retail sales decline, more stores close as the economy implodes on itself. The entire system is cannot survive the central banking system, get ready for a new economic system

The Deep State Prepares Counter Narrative, Truth Will Win - Episode 1664b
x22report (69) in ban • 7 days ago

We are now seeing an all out ban on social media platforms. They deep state is trying to hide the truth, they will not succeed. The deep state is preparing to counter the MOAB, they are using using projection to show the government uses fake news and Facebook will now tell if a photo or video is real or not.The PM of Iraq will not run for another term. Trump lashes out at Kerry for interfering with government business and wants to know if Kerry has registered as a foreign agent. France is warning if Idlib is attacked the paid mercenaries won't have any place to go and they will scatter, once again not true, look at the other towns that were liberated, the paid mercenaries were captured, transported by the deep state, what they are worried about is that if Idlib is liberated it is game over.

It Might Happen At All Once, All Sides Scrambling - Episode 1665a
x22report (69) in equity • 5 days ago

Central bankers are making the case now that the American people have equity in their homes that they should take out another loan on their home. Mnuchin is selling this home, which means the real-estate market has reached the top and he is getting out because he knows whats next. The bubbles are about to pop and the economy is about to crash and both sides are scrambling.

DECLAS, A Week To Remember, [RENEGADE] Exposed - Episode 1665b
x22report (69) in moab • 5 days ago

Q drops new breadcrumbs, the entire MOAB is about to drop. Trump and the patriots are preparing for this drop that will shock the people of the US. It will not drop all at once, there will be smaller drops in the beginning and then finally the MOAB.

The Central Bankers Have Already Picked A Date For The Crash - Episode 1666a
x22report (69) in central-banks • 3 days ago

The central bankers have set a date of when the system will implode on itself. What this really means is that the economy cannot continue on in its current form and eventually is was going to crash because the real economy not the stats they throw at us is ripping itself apart. When the crash hits many people will most likely be hurt by this because the system was not designed to last this long. Get prepared.

AUTH REQ, Attempts To Block, Carpet Bombs Dropped, This Is Not A Game - Episode 1666b
x22report (69) in ohr • 3 days ago

Nellie Ohr is going to testify in front of congress this week. Kavanaugh is suppose to be voted on this week. The deep state decided to activate plan b and try to derail the vote on the 20th. The person bringing the allegations against Kavanaugh seems to have a lot of holes in it. Q is making it perfectly clear that the plan is proceeding on schedule and is warning the public that the deep state is ready to push their event agenda to disrupt everything.

Plan Is On Track, Central Banks Begin To Panic - Episode 1667a
x22report (69) in trade • 3 days ago

Obama's trade rep has acknowledged that the old global trade mess needed to be fixed. What is really happening, the globalist trade deals are being terminated. Trump pushes agenda into the stratosphere by placing more tariffs on China.The Fed is trying to use any excuse to put a pause on interest rate hikes, they know if they crash the economy it will be blamed on them, so those within the Fed are trying to stop the rate hike in Dec. DC is panicking and the central bank is panicking, the plan is moving forward

Release The Sessions, ]Sessions[ Activated, MOAB Inbound - Episode 1667b
x22report (69) in spied • 3 days ago

A new report has been released and it shows that the US Government under Obama spied on journalists and it was kept hidden from the public. The Obama admin used the FISA court to do it. Kavanaugh and his accuser are suppose to testify but Dr. Christine Blasey Ford has not accepted the invite. Strzok and McCabe were caught destroying evidence. Maxine Waters is now panicking. NK and SK are meeting in NK to talk about peace. Israel attacks Syria which allowed the S200 system to target a Russian Jet. Congress says Trump cannot attack Syria without authorization. Q drops more bread and DC is in full panic mode. Sessions has been activated and now the tables are turning. The MSM is ignoring what is going on but more carpet bombs are on there way making room for the MOAB.

Faith In The Central Banks Economic System Erodes, Countries React - Episode 1668a
x22report (69) in real-estate • 2 days ago

The central bankers pushed the idea that criminals use cryptocurrency, but we see time and time again that the banking system is being used for criminal activity, Danske bank caught laundering billions of dollars. The housing market continues to implode on itself, permits fall and it doesn't look good for the upcoming winter months, when the Fed raises rates again the housing market decline will accelerate. Countries are not buying up treasuries, the US government, people and investments in America are now the holder of the majority of the treasury bonds.

PANIC, FEAR, Red Lines, Hidden Messages In Tweets - Episode 1668b
x22report (69) in kavanaugh • 2 days ago

Trump want the accuser of Kavanaugh to testify. She said that she wants a full FBI investigation but the FBI says no crime was committed. North Korea and South Korea agree on denuclearization and NK will allow inspectors into the country. New report shows Norway entered the regime change war but did not have any evidence of why they were doing it. Rebels leaving the Syria al-tanf area. Russia giving terrorists until Oct 15 to leave the area. Q drops more bread, the deep state is in panic, they have communicated via tweets activating the playbook and are calling for the next event.

The Declassification Has Ripped The Cover Off The Coup Against The President: Harley Schlanger
x22report (69) in declassification • yesterday
Harley Schlanger is historian and national spokesman, he has been covering the financial industry since the 80s for LaRouchePAC (

The Message Has Been Sent,Globalism Is Over,Everything Is About To Change - Episode 1669a
x22report (69) in brexit • 23 hours ago

The EU is making very difficult for the UK to break away, that is because the central banks does not want this to happen and the UK might make a hard break. Initial jobless claims hit an all time low and every-time this happened the country went into a recession. Existing home sales at there lowest in 30 years. 24 million people using their home equity as ATM again. The economy is breaking down and Trump just sent a message to the central banks and to the globalists, globalism is over.

Everyone Is In Place, Tick Tock, Deep State Running Out Of Time - Episode 1669b
x22report (69) in kavanaugh • 52 minutes ago

Kavanaugh accuser has until Friday to testify, the NYT some how got the email from Ford saying that she will attend. Scalia's clerk says new info will be coming out that will exonerate Kavanaugh. Baker and Nellie Ohr refuse to testify in front of congress. Putin tells the EU to stop paying the refugees and the problem will go away. NK and SK will create a joint military committee. US putting together a treaty with Iran and they are hoping that Iran accepts. Q drops more bread and opens the discussion up to anons. Q informs us that everything is in place and ready to go.

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