What is life and what is death?

The eternal questions that have haunted humanity since the beginning of time, one offers the gifts of joy, happiness and pleasure, and the other offers pain, loneliness and end, but is this really true?. It is known for every person in the world that life is good and death is bad, but this hasn’t to be the truth, because in the very beginning we come from inexistence when there was nothing, life began, so this means that death put life on course?, well that could be an answer for this, but what have we learned in life?, we have learned to “live”, to see, to taste, to try, and those are the most relevant in my opinion, but in the end all of those things fade on the presence of death, we come back to the nothingness, so is death the end of everything we have learned? Or is death the pay we make for the life we have lived?

To be honest I am not sure I like to think death as a being that gives the gift of life to everything in the existence, a being that sees how its gift is used, and how much you do with it and in the end comes as a friend to welcome you back to the place you were created, a kind being that gives you the chance to make something it doesn’t have to be big or small, but something, it doesn’t haunt like you owned your life to it, but it pushes you forward to see the beautiful gift that it gave you, it is true that you can do with your life whatever you pleases to do, because in the end you will return to death, and share your story that began with it.

In my opinion death would be glad to hear your story everything you have done, everything you have suffered, everything you have laugh, cried, fought, and hated, because death is someone who feels nothing and wants to experience everything that it can from the lives she set on motion.

In the end I consider death as the kindest and interesting being on the existence, a being that we invented as the anti existence of life, maybe is a being that is just trying to find her meaning of existence from the tales that we share with her, or can it be just the beginning where we came from?


Image source https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/642114859342251385/

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