Dear @Dayleeo // 7th Jan 2k19 // yep, life is a trip indeed biza, let’s get it monday!

Hello there madam, once again stepping through with the tunes for me this monday morning, ideas running through my head of what I should be getting from the shop so boy can make up some fav foods for his blue haired comfy bed ninja. Ha! :)

Yeah I’m doing good, good solid sleeps, warm as ya like, no issues on that front, just the low hum of the heater, it’s nice and warm in here again this morning, was considering a coffee kickstarter but then remembered I’m like totally out so I need to fix that situation tomorrow, could be a backpack situation to get bits en route! :)

Yeah this first track is literally, stellar.

You’ll have a big block of time to get some zzzz’s I’m sure in the next twenty four hours biza, then you’ll feel a little bit scattered, then you’ll feel relaxed, then you’ll be sorted and everything will feel normal again, remember our brains and intentions are very powerful when you really set your mind to them. It’s still dark out this morning, sunrise after 8am, crazy huh? :)

I think I’ve got a good centred handle on the day ahead here at the moment, what I need to do and step through with, where my day would be best served ya know? Grab some supplies, breakfast, and the like, get back into making some additional parts of the course — it’s the last day of accountability today as well, timed to perfection as they say! :)

your so right about the trickling effect of time, you can transfix on the mass so much that we don’t realise that why we focus on the end targets of our wants around us things still trickle by, bit by bit, life moves, ebbs, flows, ages, matures even — and that time frame is seemingly getting faster all the time as we become more self aware of the impact of the US.

Hahha, yes, nap-tune, the sleepy planet, I love that, maybe they need to do that to get kids interested in space, talk about planets by giving them funky names and detailing what everyday life is like there, maybe we need to find a game to record or stream on the ps4 and hook up a capture card/webcam setup — that would be hella fun right? :)

food prep I’m down for no worries, I’ve been living like a literally mouse on the food front as you know anyway so the difference between the eating time frames and making up a stack of food prep once a week is not gonna be wasted on me that’s for sure, if we are not getting a screen we can get a desktop fridge unit for all the meal prep, digging that idea.

yeah ya gotta go a little easier on yaself with all the expectations m’dear, you’ll get it together, you always strive to do it and I’ve seen long periods of time and moments in the last six months where you’ve gotten into that on the meal prep side, you’ll get it back together again, don’t you worry about that.

You’ll be fine, tempo and frequency of intention, that’s how new year energy can be, the good news is you got the pay rise, you have the work coming in, you have plenty of ‘for interview’ kinda jobs sitting there, my course is doing well on the numbers which is awesome, a double day top of views which is awesome and I’m adding more to it each day — I’ve not done the official announcement or put together the advertising yet for twitter and youtube and after that it’s dropping it on udemy as a paid course.

I’ve got two other courses in the notepad after that as well for things I’ve been working on recently with the fast OSX installs, I think that’s gonna be useful for a bunch of people looking in, especially now that I’ve been making up bootable backup drives.

Alright, time to load up on the water, grab the hat, glasses, torch and the jacket and get myself ready to rock and roll, it’s a big full day today and I want to be ahead of the curve on it, I’ll speak to you when you get online, don’t go to crazy this morning, just water and yoga and relax into the day, you’ve got a free day as such. .. and remember. ..

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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