Dear @Dayleeo // 17th November 2k18 // well, we are all supplemented up and my feet are toasty, let’s see eh? :)

Ha! That mask thou, it’s too much but it’s certainly a way to wake me up in the morning that’s for sure - ‘HI BIZA’ - can you imagine, I wouldn’t know if I was dreaming or not, please please don’t ever buy one exactly like it in real life that would be too much!

Yeah I’d say my wrist is another 10/15% today, I’m still nervous about it but I feel like it’s definitely better, so whatever it was, a bang, a bite or whatever it’s starting to restore and not to feel so inflamed as before, I’m hoping it’s gonna be back to normally say in a weeks time, let’s hope so anyway, I got work to do!

Your a good one biza, I’m sure your dad was super proud of you and it was good exercise for you, you would not have been able to do that some years back that’s for sure, so that’s improvement across the board, way to get ya back into it (oh!) — glad you got the drive way all sorted, crazy crazy weather, can literally turn on a sixpence it seems that.

Yeah the tumeric will be here midweek, I think once that’s starting to go in daily into the system I’ll be rocking on full strength again and I’ll be interested to see what these supplements do you gave me, feel like I’m experimenting with magic beans, I’m down with it thou, anything that can help fight the internals and keep me focused I’m totally down for at the moment.

That is one thing I’d really like to learn actually that you mentioned in your blog post today, I’d love to understand and identify plants, learn how to mix them together, what properties they have, balms, rubs and such like, I know we have an abundance of natural things out there and it’s important to know what they are, not just the plants and berries but insects/bites too ya know?

Everything has a ripple effect biza, bit like the good old cloud atlas that nobody seemed to like but us, I loved that movie and it portrayed perfectly the impact of decisions made in different time periods going back in history, how that effected decision making and outcomes — we are merely ripples in time, better send out some major waves before the major waves erase the ripples!

have a clear plan today, focus up on that client stuff, run the clock and just get on with it, it’s not that much work to do really, I guess I’ve got like three scripts to finish which will take an hour and then it’s probably gonna take another 3/4 hrs to get them actually recorded and edited, all something for the pot anyway, I hope I get some further work from these guys, they signed off on my other parts quickly so I know I did a good job on those.

Can slowly feel the december months calling, we have not gone full christmas mode in the shops yet but I can feel it coming, they are certainly building up to it, it’s normally too overwhelming for me if I’m honest so it’s gonna be a quick in and out of the stores over the Christmas period, I’ve been slowly buying like on or two ‘larder’ things every trip I go for say like a lunchtime walk for a meal deal, just re-up on something that i’ve got, like pop or a pot of something for the condiments cabinet.

You can’t have proper time off in snuggle bed mode without having a fully stocked condiments cabinet with all the things, I’m gonna stockpile like it’s going outta fashion, just gotta get those rookie numbers up and it makes more determined and excited than ever to build out that larder/hydroponics area — it’s gonna need a big old clear down first and I’ll probably need some containers to store things in but I think I can make it work.

Anywaze, boy gotta drop the kids at the pool and get myself setup for success for today, stay on target biza, rest up, your doing great, keep focusing up and thanks for supporting ya fella! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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