Dear @Dayleeo // 14th May 2k18 // I have to get up early to celebrate this weather.

Trust me when I say this I’d love nothing more right now but to stay in bed for a few more hours and get some more rest but today is going to be glorious, I mean like really really nice — it’s gonna be a solid 57 - 66 trailing off to the high 60’s till about 8pm.

Day’s like this with a 10 mph wind oh man, just lovely and bright and breezy. Right now I’m seeing BACK to BACK awesome weather for the next THIRTEEN DAYS, I guess we are gonna see some sunshine in the uk finally after what seemed like the WINTER that would never end.

i started clearing out my top cupboards yesterday, the top one in front of me is completely empty at the moment and I’m working right and around realising I’ve got so many unfinished projects and ideas and it caused me a bit of frustration yesterday.

I’ve got Bella’s birthday stuff locked down for this week, that’s not a problem but i really wanted to get a frame for my hammock so I could take it outside and setup an IRL stream with the logitech c920 — I’ve got the blue extension cable for the usb so that would work, just I don’t really have the right headset to make the audio side work — I mean I could make it work but I don’t have the THING I want but then i caught myself. ..

… trying to start another project that I probably wouldn’t do because it would not be like the way I wanted to do it, sometimes you have to iterate these things or at least mentally compromise right just to get the ball rolling, that was kinda me yesterday — i started to make a little space and also I started to sort out my VAST music collection too, fifty tracks at a time while gaming, it was kind of fun that part thou.

I think it’s because I have a bunch of logistics coming in all at once, it seems always to be the way as the weather comes out in may a bunch of stuff drops in my lap for bills and billing in general — I’ve got the three monthly hosting to get sorted and for some reason I’m thinking that rent might be hard this month what with all these things stacking up, just really get on top of that this week, get some funds in the right pots.

And take a deep breath - we good, it’s good, we are fine ;)

I’ve got a skillshare payment coming in the next few days so that’s gonna cover some of it and i’ve already got money aside for the internet connection so I’m good there too, just gotta get some funds converted and I think it’s because I’ve held out instead of just doing them weekly like I normally do has kinda thrown me off.

Ok, let’s get back to this weather situation, oh wowowowowow, absolutely stunning and wish I could be outside more in it and working, maybe I should setup the chair and the table outside for a little bit of warm weather working with some tea and biscuits later on today? :)

Usual day ahead, @dlive and @dtube videos to put together, speaking to exyle later on after lunchtime (will probably walk shop for lunch) and I really want to get on with more tidying up, I certainly feel better knowing I have potentially a box or two of things that I want to either swap, sell or bin! — I know I’m gonna have plenty of ‘throw’ away bags again too.

I know the last 72 hrs has probably drained you mentally and you need a few days to down tools and regroup and you should absolutely do that — I can totally understand how exhausting being around ‘people’ can be. Don’t get me wrong we all have our quirks but you don’t realise it unless your literally under each others feet all the time in close proximity.

Proud of you that you resolved grandma’s issues with her mobile (or at least started the ball rolling) I’m sure she will calm down and things will start to balance out, just we get used to our groove you know? Hard to break out of that sometimes and be focused in making those safe mental health spaces for us to operate out of in a sharp and focused way.

Ok biza, the weather is calling. I need to walk in that, I want to do the small amount of pots I’ve got done and I have to refill the water — the toilet is done and the bin is slowly filling up again nagging at me out of the corner of my eye for my attention — I’m on the case! :)

Try and take it steady today, get up, potter around and then when dad has gone to work get in that bath for an epic soak m’kay? :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,

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