
I was going through some old photos. Well, I am still going through old photos... but that isn't my point.

Okay - to put this lightly.... my daughter has a incredible extended family. See - on my side it's not so convoluted. She has me, her brothers, her sister. That's it.

But on her DNA donor's side... he has three other kids (from what we're aware...) and then many aunts, uncles...etc. I don't know how many of them actually know of her, however. (as the sperm donor denounced her as his child back in what, July?)

She only met her DNA donor's father a teeny handful of times. I would say at my count? Maybe three, and that is pushing it. He lived in another part of BC, as we did. That, and the DNA donor made no effort to get them together.

So for the majority of her life - he was fighting cancer. Like seriously fighting. He put up one hell of a fight, and passed in 2013. He was diagnosed in 2002 I do believe? Or 2003? Ish?

I found pictures of them together last night. I don't know what came across me, but the tears could not stop flowing. I feel like she was robbed. I feel two reasons. One - cancer. Cancer took away one of the biological connections she had to her DNA donor. (I have to call him that, because he denounced her as his child) ... Two - and I mean this, her DNA donor could have made more an effort.

I know what it's like. I was never EVER allowed to know my father's side either. My mom made that perfectly clear. I feel D should have been more of a chance.

As always though, anger clouds judgments and she will never know what he's like. Unless she sees him in heaven.

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