Simfiles and Me, A Pack Release

My Other Life

I don't talk about it a whole lot because it's a rather niche interest of mine, but I thought I'd make a post about it, just for funsies.

A while back I made a post talking about one of my biggest hobbies, dance games. I'm always connected to dance games. To the game, to content for it, to members of the community, who are my friends and are the people I'm always travelling out to see every year.

Content production is something I do too - that means I take songs and produce steps that are synchronized to the music as you play.

Today I released three simfile packs full of songs that I'd stepped. It was about 4 years in the making, although not 4 active years - one of the packs was made three years ago, another two, and the main one was active throughout the past year and my most involved project. I released it about 12 hours ago and man it's been a long day.

"Simfile Celebrity"

As far as simfile packs go, I'm one of the most lucrative and sought-after stepartists. I wasn't always, like it took me a long time to build up my skills and reputation, but now I have a sort of legendary status that most other stepartists don't really garner throughout their careers. I think this happened because I have unorthodox methods of producing content and releasing simfiles, like for example, my previous two releases were very limited and one generated some controversy because not everyone had access to it (this has since long passed and everyone has access to it now).

It was nice being part of the community again because I could engage people and have good discussions. I'm not transparent about the thought process behind my work, or my answers are obtuse and somewhat nonsensical, and I think people would like to find out what goes through my head when I step something, because the finished products themselves are always a bit of a spectacle. It's a good opportunity to talk about music and style, and about aesthetics and preferences. I can talk to other stepartists about how we do things or what our styles are and share common ills and frustrations. We all go through the pitfalls throughout our careers or get stuck with the same obstacles that any other creative does.

However, one of the best feelings is being able to relate to my past as a stepartist and relay those stories to the current new generation. I'm now one of the A-listers, and there was a time when I was just another overly zealous fish trying to swim with sharks and whales. It's nice paying it forward by offering to be a supporter to the new generation by listening to them and engaging with them. Back when I was learning, it wasn't nearly as open and forgiving. There was more circlejerking and hypocrisy. I'm joining the stand against it!

You can take a read here, although I doubt it'll mean a whole lot to you:

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