What is DDKOIN?

DDK is a cryptocurrency which born from Pre-Order DNC on ETPS centralized platform. DDKoin is a DPoS Blockchain platform where it was a Hard-Fork from Lisk Blockchain. For the current phase of DDK, it still on the BETA-TESTER phase before it will be open for global market.

As mentioned, DDK is using the Delegated Proof-Of-Stake mechanism to achieve consensus on its core but it has a little bit different from LISK because Lisk Pool share are rewarded based on Delegate share percentage while DDK reserved 41 million as un-mined DDK in order for the stakeholder to get their staking reward on pool system.

Furthermore, DDK also reserved 900,000 DDK for Airdrops purpose, which is there will be a reward incentives in DDKOIN. The rewards in DDK are Staking Reward, Delegate Reward, and AirDrops. For further information, you can visit www.ddkoin.com for reading the Whitepaper.

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