The blockchain platform to label data and to build AI Apps | DBrain

Blockchain technology supports in meeting many of the current challenges in AI. With the use of blockchain, high-quality data labeling, intellectual property rights, international micropayments and security concerns can be managed confidently. With the use of prevailing commercial computation, infrastructure enables to have an inexpensive and scalable toolkit for modifying AI apps. Blockchain protocols and internal cryptocurrencies are used to empower the AI invention cycle. The Dbrain coin or DBR is an ERC-20 cryptocurrency for exchanging work, datasets, and usage of AI apps With a connected device, anyone can join Dbrain and gain a part in building Industry. The platform joins exploding request for hand-labeled AI data with the ample supply of worldwide crowd workers. For people without entry to the banking systems in countries with low-wages, cryptocurrency incomes are given in exchange for performing data labeling and validation tasks. The objective of Dbrain is to give a safer, unified infrastructure to supercharge businesses through accessible, high-quality AI products by integrating the worldwide workforce into its platform. Currently, the AI only exists in relation to the best resourced and most powerful operations. Drain's objective is to make AI affordable to a large number of customers.


Blockchain technology assists in facing the number of present challenges of AI. It enables to build an affordable, scalable toolkit for developing, integrating, and deploying AI apps with the use of existing commercial computation infrastructure. Having a lack of high-quality datasets, untrustworthy data security and unreliable quality of data and the absence of a common framework shared by each and every party interested in the production of AI are some of the most important practical challenges for widespread AI adoption.
📌 High-quality datasets
📌 Abundant crowd work supply
📌 Last-mile infrastructure
📌 Security and trust

Blockchain and crypto

Dbrain platform operates on the Ethereum network and depends on its smart contracts. A scalable permissioned blockchain attached to the Ethereum network is built by the state channels. Thousands of transactions per second can be processed by the solutions provided where all the parties engaged can verify independently. Two blockchain protocols are implemented for decentralized admission to the platform and the internal cryptocurrency.

Use cases

A scalable and accessible infrastructure is provided by the Dbrain platform in order to supercharge businesses with greater quality AI which is integrated through a convenient API. The use cases are,
📌 Video surveillance
📌 Natural language processing
📌 Medical data processing
📌 Image recognition

Revenue model

Dbrain gets revenue in the way of commission from whatever the transaction taking place from client’s side which occurs in the platform. Such transactions comprise payments for data labeling, development of AI apps and API calls to AI Apps on the platform. The AI platform can protect the clients much greater than the commission that is charged. The reason is clients don’t need to set up an infrastructure for labeling of data, development of AI. Data labeling payments and AI apps development payments are made simultaneously. The revenue of Dbrain is divided into the two types of payments as fifty-fifty.

To find more details, please walk through the following official links:

👉 [Official Website] :
👉 [Telegram group] :
👉 [Whitepaper] :

Name : Crypshu

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