Disturbed's David Draiman at Tel Aviv Concert: F*ck Roger Waters!

Last night, my friend David Draiman and his band Disturbed absolutely rocked it in Tel Aviv.

For those who do not already know this, David has been one of the very few celebrities to loudly and proudly stand up for Israel and serve it to the haters. So before the concert, I jokingly messaged David to "give me some great sound bytes during the concert to post on the website...not because you actually mean it and will anyway, but just for the website!"

David did not disappoint!


It goes without saying my joking request had nothing to do with it. And if David's love of Israel was not already clear enough, his rendition of Israel's national anthem Hatikvah while wearing an IDF shirt tells you all you need to know.



29/6/23 10:00: Savage!


Posted from my blog with Exxp : https://www.israellycool.com/2023/06/29/disturbeds-david-draiman-at-tel-aviv-concert-fck-roger-waters/
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