The Art of Manliness

To be a man in a world that seems to be constantly on the look out for opportunities to shame men is no walk in the park. Howbeit, being a man is not a's an obligation and an honor.

Perhaps there's no better place for this to be illustrated than in the dating world. If you have ever caught yourself wondering about what it takes to be a man i.e a man's man, the type of guy ladies fawn over and men wish they were, wander (pun intended) no further.

To quote one of my favorite authors, Anais Nin:
"I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.”

That up there, succinctly written, is the essence of being a man. It's not about being a 'bad boy'...that's so 2016 neither is it about being the 'nice guy' chump who is basically a floor mat. It's about being really comfortable doing and being you that you're able to elevate anybody, ladies inclusive, to the best versions of themselves.

Now, that's called being a man. Here's my parting shot, "It is strange that modesty is the rule for women when what they most value in men is boldness." - Ninon de l'Enclos

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