Social Media Dating - Who's In?

I'm in the best position to write about these. Yeah, I'm the ladies kind of man on social media. It's fun! The internet is like a singles bar (without the loud music). With your mobile phone or a laptop, you gain access to the world's largest "Meet market". From the comfort of your home (even if you're uncomfortable), you can browse and meet people for conversation, friendship, and even romance. You won't have to buy drinks to start up a conversation or get your toes smashed on the dance floor. You won't even have to worry about your looks. (Sweet selfie and photo magic will do the magic for you. Lolz)
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That's where there are some drawbacks for me entering into some of this "relationships". Can you be sure the person you're chatting with is all he or she seems to be? How can you be certain of a person's personality, age, or even his or her gender? Why am I having this feeling that some of the "babes" I am "crushing" on on Steemit WhatsApp and discord communities aren't who I think they are? And is there a safe way to meet a "social media friend" face-to-face?
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The social media way of meeting people has its own built-in set of advantages - but inviting strangers into your room has its dangers as well.

The positive aspect is that people who are interested in connecting with others can can slide into your inbox/DM/PM without many of the unpleasant first time hookup reactions and consequences. Like when I first slide into @vheobong, @julietisrael, @gee1 @nikolina @kwinesther's DM. (Yeah! If you're amazing on this platform, and I have your discord handle or know you are on any WhatsApp communities I belong, I will slide to your dm Lolz) It gives people the freedom either to be themselves without fear of silly reactions or to adopt a totally new smart persona.

You know, you do not have to worry about looking your best during a virtual date. Who you are (or who you pretend to be) becomes more important than what you look like in the social media chat room. Just your a "cool profile pics" lol.

Another advantage of social media dating thus is that users can immerse themselves and create new realities which could be a harmless outlet for sexual fantasies. Some people fall in "virtual love" and grow to meet face-to-face and end up developing a relationship that end in marriage. @oredebby you understand what I am writing about. Right? The chance that social media dating can translate into marriage (rare occasions) is enough to keep more people involved with social media romance in the hope of finding a perfect mate who will be theirs forever.
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Although the idea of virtual relationship sounds great and has many good points in its favor, there are also several turn downs.

One of the worst possible scenarios of social media dating is discovering that the person with whom you are fantasizing and nurturing some big relationship dreams is not who he or she claims to be.

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Another turn down is that some people become so involved with virtual realities of a romantic relationship that they find themselves uninterested in the real world.

I would like this conversation to continue. Would you like to share your thought with me in the comment section about social media dating and relationship? Let's have fun! Feel free to say your mind.

I am @desmonddesk Follow Me

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