Stop fucking trying to fall in love on the first date

Stop fucking trying to fall in love on the first date.

Stop acting like your date is better than you. You both are equals. Nobody is better.

Stop trying so damn hard! You're just gonna fuck it up that way!

Stop reading too much into every little thing. That's dumb and will only make you unnecessarily anxious.

Stop believing that you're not good enough for your date. You don't even know her.

Stop conjuring insane scenarios, even the good ones in your head when you're with them. That's kind of crazy you know?

Stop trying to be someone else altogether. Learn to be yourself.

Stop following your friends' advice that are supposedly going to help you make a better impression when it is actual fact, making you uncomfortable.

Stop thinking that your date is already something more than just a friend. It all only starts with friendship, okay? Ease off! Chill!

Stop overwhelming yourself and learn how to have some fun. It's a fucking date!

Again, stop trying to fall in love on the first date!



YO CHILL! Ease off, relax and be happy. Get my free book here: 12 Things Happy People Don't Give A Fuck About!

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