- a revolutionary data processing platform

So, a technological revolution is coming, more and more opportunities are appearing with the introduction of blockchain technology. If more recently it was rather problematic to store and analyze large databases with the necessary information, which caused a lot of inconveniences. Friends and you remember that you register the car only at the place of registration or to use insurance services only in your region. It is very difficult to gather all the necessary information and give the chance to connect to it unhindered.

Many companies would like to use an easy and affordable way to obtain the necessary data from common databases. This would facilitate the rapid development and promotion of these companies in the market. Of course, this applies not only to private companies but also to state companies.

What is this data, which can be useful to companies and individuals? And why is it important to have a quick and cheap way of obtaining the necessary data? There are many questions and the answer to them is quite simple. Any information is money - the more you know the information, the more you are in a better position. With the introduction of information technologies, it became much easier to accumulate and systematize information and with the development of society, all simply need to create a common database, access to which will be possible from anywhere in the world and accessible to everyone. Unfortunately for today to find certain information it is necessary to pay dearly, but not everything is so bad and decentralization comes to us as always.

Huge databases were recently only available to large companies. Even at the state level, only recently began to appear common databases that are very expensive for the state and require a lot of money to unite all in one network. As you understand the main problems of creating a single database is several reasons, among which:

  • high cost of equipment and lack of a common platform for working with data;
  • the fragmentation of the system and the many intermediaries involved in the process;
  • the difficulty of finding new and retaining old customers.

Data blockchain

Data blockchain company systematizes, accumulates and gives the chance to find any necessary information, using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. This company has already loudly stated its intentions to provide any interesting information to the masses while excluding intermediaries and expensive services. Using the Data blockchain platform, everyone can find quickly and, most importantly, cheaply necessary data, while paying for them with a cryptocurrency.

Let's figure out what data can be used and systematized to fully understand the feasibility of this platform. So just need to consider the following information:

  • car data - year, brand, characteristics, information about the owners, etc.;
  • registration data - the number, modeling and results of various voting and elections;
  • social profiles - profile data facebook, instagram, twitter, etc.;
  • internet - IP addresses, various characteristics, data.

This is only a small part of the information that will be available on this platform - so absolutely any database can be included in the system from the base of pets, to large real estate.

The most important thing for us is that there is already a working MVP, you can test it with a link with a friendly interface and fully functional functionality. With this application, you can find and purchase the necessary information quickly and cheaply. This will work very simply - you find the necessary data, pay for it in any convenient way (I note that when working with the system you need to use metamask) and download. You no longer need to look for information on different sources, you do not need to contact intermediaries and other participants who are no longer needed.

Perspectives Data blockchain

Creation of one large database accessible to all was necessary for a very long time and the company Data blockchain is really ready to become that platform which will become the global assistant at work with databases. The current MVP provides additional guarantees for the successful launch of the platform. To date, pre ICO has been completed with more than 16,000,000 dollars. The main sales start 2018-09-10 and continue until 2018-10-31.

The collected amount is very impressive, not the last role in successful sales was played by the company's advisers and partners, with which you can familiarize with on the official website. Also, Data blockchain has excellent ratings on rating sites, so the site ICOBENCH is worth 4.7 and more than 60 experts left positive reviews for this company. In turn, I want to note that after a detailed analysis of this platform I came to the conclusion that Data blockchain is ready to bring many improvements to our world and become number 1 when working with information databases.


Token Sale starts 2018-09-10

Data blockchain -token DBCCoin, compatible with ERC20 Ethereum

Total Tokens: 870,000,000 DBCCoin

Softcap -10,000,000 USD

Hardcap - 50,000,000 USD

Sold already - 16,000,000 USD

Official site -

White Paper (project) -

Bitcointalk ANN -

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Bitcointalk - lesnik_utsa

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This publication is informational in nature. The article should not be seen as an investment recommendation or advice. Readers of this review article must make decisions based on their own judgments, taking into account financial circumstances, investment objectives and the risk limit before investing funds

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