Is DASH a skeem?

I propose the idea, that DASH is a shitcoin and its only reason to exist is to promote the currency and let the price rise.

No one knows who are the people behind the 4.500 master nodes. No one knows which goals these people have. Do they wanna develop the currency further? I doubt this.

In the wiki of the currency, the first developer thought about the voting part of the currency as a founding mechanism for programmers to finance further development and pay the programmers.

But what is the reality? On many projects are proposed which purely purpose are to promote the currency. Not many projects which help to develop the currency or the field of applications further.

What is your opinion? I heard that the first coins of DASH where mined by a few persons who bought server capacity for more than 10.000 $. This could mean that in the early hours of DASH only a few people where mining very active most of the coins.

In times where people argue about the power of the European Central Bank and other institutions, what power is controlling DASH? There are people who can give around 6.000 DASH per month away. This is 6.8 million dollar at the moment. PER MONTH! What a power. What are people willing to do for that much money?

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