Your Darkness Will Transform You

We live in a world of duality: up and down, left and right, light and dark, good and bad, etc. This sometimes can cause much confusion as to how we are supposed to function in this world because we get caught up in the seemingly endless amount possibilities.

The biggest challenge, however, comes when we go through trauma because when it happens all we know how to do in the moment, as young children typically, is to react. This creates a ripple effect that spreads throughout the entirety of our lives. We separate from the part of ourselves that experienced this trauma in order to be able to survive because it is the only thing we know how to do.

This dualistic world shows us many extremes. One moment we feel like we are soaring above the clouds and nothing can stop us and the next moment we find ourselves falling down an endless spiral of hopelessness. It becomes very challenging because we must learn how to ride both waves.

For most of our lives we have been told what to think, feel, eat and how we should act. A big part of this programming is the suppression of emotions that we are feeling and the fact that we are shunned for feeling emotions.

Our emotions are what makes us humans; embrace them!

The darkness is what really shows us who we are. It is our darkness that tests our virtues and brings out our true character.

This adversity that we experience comes with a price, however. Because it is something we must go through to become the person we need to become, we could unknowingly get lost within this dark void.

When we get lost within the void, we forget who we truly are. Instead of seeing ourselves for our true divine potential, we begin to see our identity as our darkness.

This is the trap that so many people on this planet get caught up in. The only way for us to escape it is not around it or away from it, but through it. It is in going through this dark void with an objective frame of mind and faith in ourselves and our ability to become stronger that will ultimately lead us to a triumphant victory!

I should also point out that darkness is NOT bad or evil. This darkness is just suppressed, scared and misunderstood. Think about that scared little 7 year old version of yourself that all you feel you can do is cry and hide. This misunderstood aspect of ourselves are what create the programs that keep us trapped and keep us perpetuating the destructive aspects of ourselves.

It is time for us to embrace our full, true selves in both the light and the darkness. The bridge between the two polarities is LOVE. With love we will transcend this darkness that have controlled us for so long. Once we embrace this darkness within ourselves we will be able to help others embrace it for themselves as well. When we come together in love and unity we will transform this world, together! <3

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