Acts 2:17. ”And it shall come to pass . . . your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

As educators , we are in an essential position where we can help in channeling students dreams into the dreams God wants them to have. It is such a privilege that we teachers can discover dreamers. Dreamers that will bring hope to our nation,country, friends, families, and most especially, dreamers of God.

I believe that God still allows us to dream and dream big for His honor and glory. Because a person that has no dream is a person that has no hope. And I also believe that He uses dreamers in His work.

These are some of the photos during career guidance seminar in which I let them made a dream collage.

But as we dream, there are young dreamers in the 4-walled classroom that we have to discover. As teachers entrusted with students, we will counsel the young minds to seek Godly visions. If you think you are old already to dream, then, you got it WRONG. You can still dream, go on and never stop dreaming. And always remember that “nothing will be accomplished by merely dreaming and wishful thinking”


    Dreamers are usually nurtured at a young age. We need to provide opportunities and expose them to different things that could awaken their interest. As teachers, let them explore to nurture their curiosity and possibilities. We should encourage and influence them to realize that they have to work hard for the dream to become a reality. Along the way, dreamers can get sidetracked and eventually they will lose their way if we do not meddle. Teachers should be one of those who will give a proper channeling of the dreamer’s strengths and abilities .

    Dreaming really needs patience . So let us teach the young dreamers to focus and listen on the dream that God has given them. It is also part of our responsibility to always remind them about the importance of prayer even though nowadays, prayer can be the most neglected item in the pursuit of dreams.

    Students always seek attention. As a second parent in school, we should spend time with them after class or any vacant time to give them attention in order for them to discover deeper their own God-given potentials. Listen them, know their unique story in life,and let them know and feel that we really care. Sometimes, we need to shell out money or other resources that we have not just for visual aids in teaching. We have to love them unconditionally but the best we could do is to pray for them and diligently teach them how important to walk with our Savior in their daily lives.
    In this photo , we are enjoying our break after discussion playing a mystery box in which they are going to guess the item inside the box using their sense of touch only. This game is related to uncertainty in life and I asked them also what is the relevance of the game.

    The last but not the least is to improve. We all want our students to dream higher and to accomplish more. Let us praise them every job well done and reward them for accomplishing a task even in a simple manner. In that way, we can help them to make better, upgrade, polish , and refine of what they have started. And let us remind them that the room for improvement is interminate.

INSIGHTS : Let us all remember that in discovering dreamers, we need to pay close attention that ”EVERYONE IS A DREAMER BUT EVERY DREAMER IS DIFFERENT FROM ONE ANOTHER “. Their success in school will be dependent on our effectiveness in motivating achievements , in training students to take responsibility for their learning, and in faithfully training them to walk in wisdom.

Sincerely yours,

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