Getting with the Mobile dApps.. plus a few tangents LOL! šŸ˜Š

Ok here we go!

Only 3 attempts typing my key in..

How fucking fun is that? Just an educated guess, super off putting for newbs.

View from my old ass iPhone 4, so squishy!

Steeming from my phone, can I really do it?

Text cursor blinking at me on this diddly little screen and my fat fingers FINGER ready! Gotta stop resisting, itā€™s time to dance! šŸ¤˜

So I have two posts from past couple days sitting on my laptop quietly nagging for my attention. The writing is done, just need to edit, shave half or more, then format, import pics and hit post!

Itā€™s ok, not stressing over it.. much. Truth is laptop time is simply NOT compatible with ride daddy the elephant again and letā€™s go read this book for the millionth time. I donā€™t enjoy the feeling of declining my sons requests for attention either, so basically yeah I havenā€™t set any boundaries at all.

Letā€™s play everyday Dad? Uh yeah ok WTF!!? šŸ™ƒ

He literally plays so hard from the moment he opens his eyes until he's KO'd on the spot!

Seriously though, I work when he sleeps. Thatā€™s just it and thereā€™s a lot of ā€œITā€ to be done. Between video editing, processing, exporting, photo retouching, publishing, marketing, attempting to stay relevant on social media and now blogging too? šŸ˜‚ LMAO!!

Hahaha! Yeah there are much better things adults want to be doing while children sleep right? Also I just donā€™t like having too many incomplete tasks clogging up my mental to-do list.

What am I going on about? No one wants to read half a page of complaining about the ā€œfreedom lifestyleā€ as much as they didnā€™t wanna hear stories of how long it takes to film a tiring sex scene with some Pornstar. Woe is me, you get paid to have sex all day or stay home and entertain your son. Get a grip LOL! āœŠšŸ’¦

Hereā€™s the truth: sovereignty so far has been more about the freedom to work fucking harder than you ever did before in the system.. TO FREE YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY.

For real health, happiness and freedom from tax slavery, vaccination farms and indoctrination camps. To reclaim life voluntarily and to honor each otherā€™s liberty. Experience an existence free from perpetual debt. You know, to actually have ownership of your current-cy. So that no another entity can freeze or charge fees on you for accessing your own ā€œlife savingsā€.

Ah yeah thatā€™s what I was on about.. ranting LOL! Same as I woke up today, and every day. I have this burning desire to help others real-eyes what is actually happening. My friends and family long since stopped listening. Ever since I left the Army in 2006, oh heā€™ll come round, heā€™s just working stuff out, heā€™s just dealing with PTSD. No FFS this is it, this is me. Iā€™m really out here! šŸ‘‹šŸ½

Unplugged from the matrix since '06 and still living my best life!

Care less what others think.. Keep creating content!

And have fun with it! šŸ˜œ Sure Itā€™s not always easy, it ainā€™t rainbows and unicorns. Crypto didnā€™t beem love and light to the world or send lambos to the moon. Itā€™s real, itā€™s hard grimes at times and we still here doing our best to be the change. Living this life as fully as we can. Becoming who we came here to be and being living examples for our children.

How will we answer when they ask us what we did through these changing times? What did we do to protect them and secure the future? For next generations, for ALL sovereign beings, for love. šŸ’š

Meet them where theyā€™re at, this keeps repeatedly pushing itself to the front of my mind space. Show them the easiest path. Your heavy lifting is done, nobody cares about that. Have fun with life again. Deliver simple solutions. Short and sweet.

So definitely itā€™s a process for me too. Finding the right balance, cutting out the crap. De-toxify, de-centralize, un-school and high-drate!

Not focusing on negative energy cycles of dramas on dramas. The war on fear and terror is fought in the mind. Doing better to stay on track LMAO!

Itā€™s clear Iā€™m not comfortable in this written format. I do much prefer talking, as once itā€™s said: itā€™s done, no temptation to edit. I like that, actually I love that. Perhaps being a performer made me this way I dunno?

One thing about being in my position.. we ain't got nothing to hide!

Most people tell me they donā€™t feel the same about cameras, perhaps I really am a egoist? Nah I just prefer being real and live. Damn it @dlive, whyā€™d you have to do us like that? Perhaps I will return to streaming through twitch and cross-posting to @dtube? No wait, do I even care enough anymore? Didnā€™t pretty boy @ned just jump ship? Oh wait, maybe this is the perfect time to step up? Bah I digress as always.. at least itā€™s forced me to attempt to become a better writer.

See. This post is already getting super long but itā€™s been fun right? I dunno, I gotta dash, sunrise is coming! What did I wanna say? What was the point? Summarize for gods sake LOL! šŸ”š

Ah yes! Ok so in one of my future unfinished blog posts I explained how @whaleshares is like a soothing medicine for this hyper-hustle that jumps on the backs of every online entrepreneur and blogger I know. It felt like a welcome break from the pressure of the good olā€™ self-empowered steem-engine.

In that quiet I found a pearl of inspiration for cross-platform productivity and boom it hit me like a hammer!

Let go of the singular blockchain loyalty itā€™s not going anywhere without trust!

So trust. Trust in blockchain. Trust yourself. Trust your heart to lead you to do what interests you. Leave everything else for others to take care of. Be Life in a bun dance being all around you, scare city is a place of the past!

Let it do what it is designed to do and Iā€™m gonna stop trying to control every little aspect of my content. Itā€™s time to imbrace the growing number of dApps supported by the STEEM chain.

My new plan is to focus my main blogging energy on @whaleshares, the engagement and rewards there are more enjoyable in my opinion anyway. (Still cross-post them to here of course) Thatā€™s the regular grind though definitely not daily. Iā€™ll present @whaleshares as my ā€œofficialā€ blog.

This frees me from the fixed idea of what I wanted my steem feed to look like. Now I feel totally fine to use all these cool dApps that post all over ā€œmy blogā€ with wildly different formats that donā€™t feel like my style.

Iā€™m just gonna go try them all! From @dtube to @appics and @actifit, plus anything else I havenā€™t even looked at yet.

Screen Shot 2018-11-30 at 2.45.47 PM.png
Thanks for their prompted reminder on my last post.

Iā€™m gonna revisit @share2steem and see if I can link up my Twitter and Instagram accounts.

They are a real asset to STEEM and Iā€™m excited for them to do really well. I feel it has the potential to transition masses from traditional sucky social media to badass blockchain based.

This will hopefully help me condense and refine my content too.

Much less fun writing all this down in a long ass posts like this. Though I just feel other Steemees may be feeling a bit disheartened or lost since these recent ned-ouncements and perhaps considering different perspectives.

Whatever it is, donā€™t sell! You KNOW whoā€™s buying in now..

Yikes if a post already looks too long for me to read, why the hell would anyone else want to right? OMG what am I doing. Just go already. Put pictures in later. Push. The. Button.

Seems phone blogging isnā€™t that bad, itā€™s just fiddly as fuck and keeps skipping back and forth on browser pages. Though that reminds me to try out our dedicated mobile apps like @busy and @partiko too! Done. Added to the list.

With that said, my hour has already passed and sunrise is awaiting! Gotta go, the new day awaits!!

See ya in the next post.. or comments below!

Keni šŸ‘Š

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

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