BUZZi kids - UGC to commerce platform [a review]


The major problem most consumers face from purchasing products that are just new in the market is the authenticity of the product/how durable it is and how the project actually looks when applied in real life, most consumers just watch painted up ads and are already placing other on a product which they all probably skipped the T&C without knowing if it has a return policy if the product appears below standard.
well, for quite some time now many companies have been springing up to tackle this issue of authenticity of goods between makers and consumers and on today's blog post I'll be writing on one which is on the steem blockchain, called BUZZi




BUZZi is a user-generated content (UGC) website where makers and consumers interact and discuss a certain product, highlighting its cons and pros, how it's been applied to daily lives.
Basically, i think reviewhunt is a site for makers to advertise their product and for consumers which are divided into two groups, the early adopters and late consumers, the early adopters get to use the product and drop their review based on their satisfaction without the influence of the makers and no painted up story, which will now serve as a source of information for the late consumers helping them to know the actual worth of the product including the price.

The BUZZi system

The BUZZi system is currently in beta mode and operates on the steem blockchain which they ported into 2 months back and currently limited to only kids product.
BUZZi app is built with some major features which I'll mention below;

  • Reward system
    Once any project is been synced with the blockchian, especially the DPOS blockchain the next thing comes in mind is tokenization and incentive system, BUZZi makes use of the steem rewarding system of steem backed dollars and liquid steem token
  • Product experience
    Now this is totally different from sharing a product review, BUZZi targets real and genuine users of a product that willing to share their experience with other consumers to serve as a market guide for them.
  • Discover products
    For the fact but the makers and consumers are allowed to operate in the BUZZi platform, it serves as an e-commerce store also, to be utilized by makers as a fress showcase store and serves as a shopping center to consumers.
  • Community
    Despite being a place for products enthusiast and all of that, users also have to interact with each other depending on their area of interest

Getting started with BUZZi

  • firstly, a user has to sign in to the BUZZi app via steemconnect
    then set up profile

  • Go back to homepage and create your first BUZZI post
    click on the + icon at the lower center and either search for a product or insert a products URL

  • fill in the details of the post
    it shouldn't be all that of a serious post, try putting in some fun and a catchy headline too :)
  • set your satisfactory level of the product and do your pros and cons

Once its been done, then you publish your post which will automatically be available for other users on the app ASAP


Although this is the first time i'm coming across a UGC based platform, i think it's kind of a very smart move for them to sync with the blockchain and most especially one of the most scalable and fastest blockchains which is STEEM
Awaiting to see other branches of BUZZi especially the tech part

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