An Update with Rieki and Nick of HyphaDAO

What if all the organizations you work with could be run completely transparently using an intuitive set of tools for managing the treasury and proposals for how the money is spent?

Since I first heard the terms “DAO” and ”DAC” I’ve been captivated by the possibility for a group of humans with a shared goal to self-organize and voluntarily and non-violently participate in doing big things together which can’t be done as individuals. Blockchain technology, tokenomics, and multisignature treasury wallets allow for a whole new paradigm of trust, accountability, transparency, and coordination of roles and responsibilities.

I helped with eosDAC for years with the intention of building a DAC Factory so anyone could quickly and easily spin up a DAC/DAO (decentralized autonomous company, corporation, community, consortia, organization, etc.). Unfortunately the project didn’t succeed for a number of reasons I won’t get into here, but I still believe this technology will be really important for our future. I’m probably a bit too early with my excitement about DAOs, but I was too early on bitcoin and that worked out okay for me also. 🙂

I've been thinking quite a bit about the need for DAO tooling since joining @eosdac in 2018 and later with @fioprotocol (some ideas here: and prototyped here: ). Today I had a great call with Rieki and Nick from HyphaDAO (about an hour and fifteen minutes) where discuss some ideas relating to working together with HyphaDAO and FIO:

This video is a recording of our conversation today discussing what it might look like for FIO and HyphaDAO to work together in some fashion. Maybe enable FIO within the SEEDS wallet? Maybe built into the toolset? Maybe even someday host the HyphaDAO infrastructure as a core function of the FIO chain? We had so much fun chatting, I figured I'd post the video for anyone else who might be curious. These are the types of business development meetings I love. :)

To better understand the capabilities of HyphaDAO, check out this latest video from Rieki:

Tools like this, I believe, will replace how we do clubs, non-profits, corporations, and even governments. This is how we coordinate human action without threats of monopolized violence (a defining characteristic of the Nation State). The JoinSEEDs and Hypha DAO/DHO team have done a great job making tools for our future. You catch watch this video at 2x speed to get the full scope of it in about twenty minutes. This is important. This is how we create change and build a world we all want to live in.

Also, I love the “DHO” (pronounced “DO”) concept which is a decentralized human organization. The autonomous part of most DAOs are just a group of humans making decisions via voting and smart contracts. I also greatly appreciate how much work the team has done to think deeply about how humans coordinate and what templates make sense in cooperation with seasonality and natural cycles.

If you’re a geek about this stuff like I am, you’ll get excited about the potential on display here.

Oh, also, if you're curious about what I was reading during the start of my meeting with Rieki and Nick today, it was some notes from some ideas I had during meditation recently:

Because all matter is consciousness (and conscious), the choices (consciousness is the ability to choose) of more aware beings impact the experience of lower aware beings. This has important implications regarding the tools we use throughout our day. Though the relatively unconscious tools have less of an influence over a higher conscious being than an equally conscious being, the repetition over extended periods of time do have a long term impact, like water carving rock. The consciousness of the tool creator matters. The blockchains, DAO tools, and the like we choose to engage with and rely on as helpmates towards a new society embody (and are impacted) by those who brought them into existence and the awareness of the community which continues to feed them and give them life. We must choose wisely who we partner with and how we grow the community so that all aspects of Spiral Dynamics are accounted for and given a purpose and place.

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