Dang it! I did a dumb thing. Also, CreativeCoin has launched! HOT DAMN! ♥

Firstly, I have first world problems! I did that thing in my last post where I used a text divider graphic as the FIRST image, and now there's not a good image for the thumbnail preview. LAME. I hate that. Even when I go back and edit, it still is permanently screwed on most front ends.

Is front end two words or one word. Frontend.. or hyphenated - front-end... this goes under the mystery category of "Things Serena wants to know but is too lazy/busy/sleepy/tired to investigate.

We have a bot now in @helpie that brings up a Keanu Reeves picture if you type !keanu, or just the word "whoa" .. That is thanks to my long-time buddy and botmaster, @jllmechengr. I don't know if he'll see that tag because he mostly lives behind a curtain of the blockchain here. He's does wizardly things like adding hot guys to discord server bots.

Hmmm..lemme see. I need to find a picture for you, so that you aren't bored. If you can recall from past posts, that is a thing I do entirely for your own pleasure.

Here's a photo I once took at my great grandmother's house, just before my family finished tearing it down (log by log with our bare hands.. because disrespectful to do it any other way.)


I added the sunset part in Photoshop because otherwise it was just a picture of some junk lying outside in the yard.

This kitchen held many memories for me. I watched my granny cook many pots of green beans and corn, casserole dishes and roasted peanuts. She would always have moon pies and Pepsi. I think she drank a glass of Pepsi nearly every day of her life. She also chewed tobacco. But she worked her ass off in her garden and tending to her flowers and her cats.

She lived on this blessed-by-her-presence earth for almost 100 years.


Look how pretty the wallpaper was. She had excellent taste in patterns of fabrics, wallpapers, floors.. I miss her. She loved cats. She had all these little cat figurines. She loved watching soap operas like "The Young and the Restless."

Just outside the door to the right her water well still stands, my mom and dad plant marigolds and zinnias around it every year. I will try to find a picture of it and put it here later.

I might forget. It's a very pretty well. We would crank up buckets of water and use a dipper gourd to pour water into glasses to drink, or in pitchers for cooking. Whatever was needed. I really, really miss her.

Now I'm getting all emotional. I have to stop. I didn't mean to get into all of this. Maybe it's her way of saying hi to me. Maybe she guided me to pick out that picture. It works that way sometimes, the Universe.. I firmly believe that.

Moving on...

I won't be doing these morning posts anymore when I go back to work next month. I don't know if I'll do evening ones much either. Sigh. It's just that my day job is very physically taxing. By the end of the day I'm exhausted and I go to bed at like 8:30 sometimes.

I think right now I'm going to share with you a post that I've deeply enjoyed from the past few days. That's about all I will say about it. I deeply enjoyed it. This post deserve your eyes and ears.



@joseacabreav is doing the #gratitudeChallenge

Such a cool idea. I have forgotten who started it. I will look it up later and add that information below this sentence.

Insert awesome person who started the Gratitude Challenge's name

HERE: -----> username name revealed here soon


Here's his post..Check it out. You suck if you don't. JBH. (just being honest).. JMTU (just made that up).. ATC (ain't that cool?)

Link of awesomeness:

It includes a happy memory of his first openmic entry (he won first place)..

Jose's music always makes me feel so blessed, just being able to hear the emotion in his songs. He is a gift to all of us. If I did the gratitude challenge, he would for sure be on it. He's incredibly spiritual, is the very definition of someone who is enlightened. He believes in angels.. like I also do.. What's not to love?



Guess what? CreativeCoin is now in the sea!

Nextly, and probably lastly because for one thing, this is getting long, and for another I've spent too much time centering and italicizing texts for YOU, because I am just that POLITE.. and I'm running out of time for posting if I want to get anything else at all done today. (serena now types faster ).

I just wanted to take a quick moment to mention the highly anticipated launch of #creativecoin, kicked off by @swelker101 and @isaria.. and certainly some other people whose names I don't know or just don't know that they are involved... anyway..this is a front end SPECIFICALLY made for artsy people!

(I can't help but to notice that @DerangedVisions is a huge part of this madness. Figures, since he is like the greatest photographer in the universe. WES = ARTSY.) @inertia has also used his wizarding skills to help put together an airdrop. How cool is that? I always imagine helicopters dropping bags of coins from the sky. The helicopters are pink and glittery. Because that's how they should be.

Wait.what's that, you say? Artsy?

Artsy people?? Strange souls of the universe? Ponderers of life who express their found mysteries via the written word, or written paintbrush, or written guitar. (I broke the D string on my guitar this morning, btw. RIP. Now I'm sad. FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! BUT DAMMIT, D! WHY YOU LEAVE ME?)

Anwyay, last time I checked, that's also WHAT I AM! WEIRD BATSHIT CRAZY ARTSY! Sometimes I post artsy stuff. Music,(even other people's - see Jose above! I am also doing a music colum again for @helpie. Yay! Also I share sometimes my strange poetry.. my stupid rants... okay those are not artsy and I will not be using the tag for those.

Because it's important to use the tag properly!

If you are posting an article about the depressingness of bitcoin falling to the proverbial floor, then don't use the tag! I am using the tag for this post because I am LITERALLY discussing the launch. And there is music! (Did you look at Jose's post? Did you? Actually, you can finish reading this post first, but bookmark it or something..)

I can only assume that this great venture was created by the actual real world space gods, just for ME. *I have a new tag to search when I'm curating music and poetry, my two favorite things!)

But, you know.. that's how Serena thinks. The reality is actually just that Isaria and Shane are just awesome enough to answer the please from the community asking for a tribe for artists.

I even bought some tokens (could only afford 200) because I am becoming addicted to all the cool tokens that exist on @steem-engine now. I bought SO MANY COOKIES from @torico! My wallet is a hot mess of goodness.

How do they do SO MANY THINGS? I don't know. They are also on the @helpie witness team, and I am so grateful to have them with us. I am terrible at describing things in classy ways, so I am going to just drop some links here that will help you understand more about all things CreativeCoinish.


Firstly.. where do you go to find it? Right here:

Next, the informatory posts ABOUT it.

From @Isaria:
Creative Coin Has Launched!

From Shane (@swelker101)
"I am posting this from creativecoin.xyz - And... The drop."

From @derangedvisions
Creative Coin is being dropped and the site is live!

CREATIVE COIN! A token and front end for artists, musicians and creatives <3

(CREATEd by @clayboyn)

Creative Coin Discord
(they have the Banjo bot. Need I say more?)


Have a great day, evening, night.. life.
I will see you again sometime.
I love you madly.
You are my favorite.
Yes, YOU.

Goodbye forever.

Love, always,


It's really not forever. Probably. I can't read my future.
Photos of my granny's house © serena matthews/@paintingangels
I am a proud member of @helpie. Check us out.
I will probably edit this a dozen times.
So come back later to see fixed typos
ok bye

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