You Should Learn How To Dance

After our short commercial break, we're back again!

This time I am gonna complain and bitch about the wonky, robotic and utterly disgusting body language most of you have.


To no one's surpirse, sitting in front of a screen for 8 hours per day fucks you up

But what can you do?

In this day and age, sitting down is required to in order to not literally die of starvation.

Perhaps not, ya get the point though.

Being over 6ft tall, I catch myself being a curve. That's not good at all. And I started noticing that most people are like that.

It goes beyond posture. The concept of body language is completely backwards. People say, "do this and that in order to appear more confident".

I say that the reason you aren't that confident, is because you don't do "this and that".

(Note: If you're looking for hot tips and weird tricks about body language, you took the wrong turn pal. Upvote this and exit the premise slowly)

Mentality and Physicality are interconnected. Your body IS your mind and vice verca.

Now, let me ask you a question: Dead virgin, who was a brilliant scientist, 6 words.

The answer, my iliterate friend, is Newton.

Newton explained that there's this field force, called my DICK... called gravity, ok?

That magical, invisible force is working againist you every day. And every day you don't die, you win!

Think about it. You exert energy just to stay upwards. You're fighting gravity.

And that brings me to this:

Braid-Dead simple ways to improve your posture and "kaboom" your bodylanguage, by the expert in everything-there-is-to-know, Redbeardguy

Most people have a hard time travel through space, ie move through space, ie exist.

My #1 recomendation, is to start walking more. Just walk everyday boy. I certainly don't do that enough, but it really helps me.

And please, walk properly. Back in high school, coach Carter told us about "glute/hamstring" amnesia. We never use those muscles, because we've become civilized monkeys.

But they're quite useful. So use them. How?

Every step you take, squeeze that butt, leg AND calf and feel someone pulling a string upwards, connected to the top of your head.

It's super weird in the beginning. Try it, get your steps in.

#2. After you're done walking, you seriously need to hit the gym. Squats and Deadlifts. Do it. Don't ask why, do it. If you die because you didn't go to the gym, whose fault is it, you unhealthy suck of junk food and heavy cream?

#3. Dance or Yoga. All those reps makes you still as a rock. Recently I realized I couldn't reach lower than my knees, without bending them, because my rock hard abs and steel pectoral muscles didn't allow it.

That had to change. I did my research and a couple of lessons and I crafted a yoga (asanas, yoga is a religious practice, but anyway) and started doing a 1:30 hour 4/week.

But that's suitable for me. If you don't feel like rolling on the ground for one and a half hours, you can pick up dancing. It will have the same effect.

Actually, read the title again. You should learn how to dance, period. Because it's good for you. It'll do wonders.

Finnito caputo, my name is pluto.


P.S- Don't forget to check my shameless sales latter about a product. If you have trouble falling to sleep in less than 30 minutes after your head hits the pillow, you should read this

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