The Daily Sketch - Today's Theme - Birds - Plus Winner Of Yesterdays Challenge. :)

Welcome to the #dailysketch, a daily art contest aimed at helping you learn to draw or improve your drawing skills. If you've never drawn before or think that you can't, then this contest is definitely for you!! :)


Image Credit - @giuatt07!


Every day I choose a random theme and set you the challenge of coming up with a twenty minute sketch based around your interpretation of that theme, either by using your imagination or by finding an image and copying it. Once you have made your sketch, post it in the comments section of that days post and you will be in with a chance of winning a small prize. :)

I will award 5 SBD to whichever entry from throughout the week I like best but in order to be eligible to win the prize, you must enter at least 3 of the 6 themes each week.

I will post the themes Sunday to Friday and announce the winner on Saturday with all of the winners entries for the week included.

The winner of each theme will be announced and their sketch featured in the following days post.


The winner of yesterdays 'IN THE JUNGLE' theme is @apprentice001 for his excellent interpretation and sketch which you can see for yourself below.

app in the jungle.gif

Congratulations @apprentice001! Two wins in a row! :)


You may also want to make a post of your sketch for your own page and if you do, I would ask that you include #dailysketch , as well as linking your post in the comments with your entry for the day.

To see the post by @apprentice001 to support his entry, click here


The reason for this challenge is to help build a routine around practicing. You may want to make this the first thing you do when you wake up to ease you into the day in a relaxing way or you may want to do it last thing at night before you go to bed. I will leave it up to you to decide when best suits you but the point is that consistency of practice will definitely improve your results, so if you can, try to make it as consistent as possible. :)


And so to today's theme...


You have twenty minutes to create a sketch based around your interpretation of the theme, BIRDS.

You're time starts now! :)

Good Luck!


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