Daily Poetry™: "MANY MAN" (#2 of the Daily Poetry™ Series -- 26th July, 2018

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We hear of him
A successful failure
Tasting the cream
Of stumbling error
And though he sighs
He needs to realize –
Wisdom wealthyfies!

We hear of him
A stubborn survivor
Struggling in the scene
Of starved succour
And though he plies
To make Paradise his prize –
Hardship happyfies!

We hear of him
A man of humour
Gifted with a whim
Of turning pain to pleasure
And though he wrys
With laughter in his cries –
Pain purifies!

We hear of him
A man of valour
Sangfroid 'mid the scream
Of piercing terror
And though he fears no vice
He paid the price –
Panic petrifies!

We hear of him
A man of honour
Caught 'tween men's scandalism
To his disfavour
And though he tries
To tell the truth, not lies –
Honesty healthyfies!

We hear of him
A prince of glamour
Moulded from the dream
Of a Celestial Sculptor
And though his eyes
Hold heaven, we surmise –
Service sanctifies!

We hear of him
A Silent Saviour
Hallowed to the realm
Of sublime splendor
And though he flys
The spiritual skies –
Hell holyfies!

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This poem is freely "donated" by @igwentertainment (O'rie Igwe). @poempals deeply appreciates the Author's kind gesture.


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