My Rescue Dog Sue!

I adopted my dog Sue last year from Taiwan. I lived there for many years, and have adopted three Taiwan street dogs over the years, all of whom had happy lives with me and my family.

I first saw Sue on a friend's FB feed. She had been hit by a car and someone had brought her into the vet. The staff at the vet were very kindhearted and not only took care of her, but also posted an adoption video. My friends in Taiwan helped with travel arrangements (someone who often flies back and forth acted as her guardian) and for about $300 I was able to fly her here.

I seem to only take pictures of her when she's with the little dog I sometimes babysit! She loves the summer weather~


and her doggie bed in the living room~


When she first arrived, she'd sometimes have nightmares, I think, because she'd whimper in her sleep and wake up with a yelp, which was heartbreaking, but as the months went on they would become less and less frequent. Now she's super happy!


She's my best friend and makes every day great!

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