Daily Pet Photography Event - Day50 !︳每天寵物攝影活動 - 第五十天!

【According to Yamamoto, a Japanese veterinarian specializing in cats, not only cats, but also big cats like lions and tigers have their own belly-bellies called "Primordial Pouch ", Plays many important functions, including protecting the internal organs, increasing hind leg extension and range of activities, giving the wild cats more space to store food!】
【貓的腹部都有一團垂下來的「小肚肚」,根據日本貓專門獸醫山本宗伸表示,不只是貓咪,獅子、老虎等大型貓科動物也都有這團垂肚肚,名叫「Primordial Pouch」,扮演許多重要功能,包括保護內臟、增加後腿延伸與活動範圍,讓野生貓科動物有更大空間能儲存食物!】

I will read all the posts about #dailypetphotography everyday, please feel free to tell me more about your pet! I am planning to form up a pet-post, waiting for your supporting!


Warning! We must use original photo in this event, if I find any entry was copied from the web, your entry will be disqualified! 【At the end of month, there will be a final election! Welcome for the sponsors to offer a big big pool! Thanks!】


P.S.: The power was down in these few days, I need to change the encourage prize to 0.1 steem for each picked up!
I will turn it up a.s.a.p., so sorry, I hope you will keep to post the nice photos!
註: 這幾天的點贊力下降了很多,我要把鼓勵的獎金下調至每位被選中照片為 0.1 steem!

Today's pick up as followings: 今天的挑選作品如下:
@ryanwan - The husky Sa-Sa is laughing!


@leslierevales - The cat named Tink named after Tinker Bell!

以Tinker Bell命名的貓,名叫Tink!

@vivia - Very funny, kissing puppies!


@hhjjkk - Lovely kitten want to drink milk!<--maybe I guess??!!


@proanima - Charlie does not like winter, it's always cold, so he loves to be wrapped in a blanket!


@travoved - Lovely kitten was taken in one village!


@rasse - E-war is a young Iguana recently rescued from a forest fire near the town of Upata!


@ace108 - She has the "Primordial Pouch"!


@irvet - Corso Saiyan and three-colored cat Lapa is very friendly!

Corso Saiyan和三色貓Lapa非常友好!

@kunani - A cow on the grass!


Thank you for all participants, if you have pet, pick up your camera to take a nice shoot now!


Welcome to sponsor, upvote, resteem and follow this event! If you love pets, come to think about how can we do more things of them at steemit!

歡迎贊助、點讚、轉發及關注此活動! 如果你喜歡寵物,來一起想想怎樣可以在 Steemit 為它們做更多的事情!

The event details at Here! 活動詳情在!

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