Life as a food hunter: Quah Jong Burgersssssss...

Taken by Chris Chua, Kuala Lumpur
Device : IPhone 6

Don't mean to spread this "Hungryyyyyy disease" in the middle of the night, but this is my first time try out a pork burger! I just wish to share my excitement to all of my friends on Steemit! If you wish to try out some burgers or wanna fulfill your craving for pork burger, this will be one of the place you might need to note down for it!

Menu board for Quah Jong Burger.

What I ordered: "Ah Ma Signature".
What I got inside my burger: handmade pork patty, eggs, caramelize onion, lettuce, slices tomatoes and charcoal bun.

You must be wondering what sauce they are using. Do I left out the sauce part? Nope, I didn't miss out a single thing. THERE IS NO SAUCE ADDED INTO THE BURGER! Their burger is quite different with the normal burgers that we have in the past. BBQ sauce, mustard, chili sauce, ketchup, is what you normally get in the burger menu. But for this one, their "Sauce" will be "The Juice" from the patty. Is petty interesting since this is my first time having this kind of burger. Special marination play an important part of it. Other than that, patty and their caramelize onion work together petty well too. Portion wise, I wish it can be a little bit bigger. Overall I think this is quite a decent pork burger. :)

If you are hanging around the area and wish to try out some new food, can just go over and try this out.

Be blessed! Have Food! XD

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