Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/07/18> She also said, “they think their shit don’t stink.”

I can't pull anything...

I can’t pull anything over on you folks and every now and then I try; just to make sure you folks are on your toes. So my opening line of yesterday’s Daily Dose proclaimed that it was the second Tuesday of November and that it was Election Day. I figured it would just slip right through and it did for all of about one comment and twenty minutes before @abbak7 busted me.

So he won the contest for paying attention and got himself 5 shares of Steem Basic Income. He was really good about it too, he could have just called me dumb ass for not knowing it was only the first Tuesday but instead he told me he would vote on the second Tuesday and threw in the smiley face “ : ) “ thing done with the colon and bracket.

I am not 100% sure...

I’m not 100% sure though if he hadn’t caught it that it wouldn’t have made for at least a day or two, but once his comment was acknowledged by me then the cat was out of the bag. So, my congratulations to @abbak7 for being the winner of my pop up contest.

The results are...

The results are coming in as I type this Daily Dose and so I won’t even comment on the elections. I am trying to get this started a little earlier than I would normally do as it is ten minutes to nine o’clock and I want to get to bed early.

Tuesday at work...

I got to play truck driver Tuesday at work and so by the time I stopped for lunch it was after 2:00 PM. There is a little hamburger joint not far from our office called “Burger Tex” and they do a hell of a business each day at lunch. At two in the afternoon though the crowds are well gone so I slipped in there for the cheeseburger basket and a Coke.

The ladies who...

The ladies who run place are all Vietnamese and they make a good honest living providing good burgers at a fair price. I have been eating there on and off for over the last eleven years and they know me by face but not by name.

I had the whole...

I had the whole place to myself with the exception of one other table. I could have done without those folks in there because in all honesty these seven guys were a bunch of jackasses.

I had never seen them in there before but that shouldn’t be any surprise given that I might only eat there once or twice a month. Those seven guys had finished eating before I had even gotten my food and so when they left and the lady who came to clear the table was near me I asked her about them.

She said they...

She said they eat there about once a week and she also said, “they think their shit don’t stink.” To which I responded that they seemed like a bunch of thugs to me. I didn’t base my comments based on their looks but on their conversations they were having. It wasn’t like I was trying to listen in; they were just that loud while they were talking.

They were comparing...

They were comparing stories on how they intimidate their neighbors. The one guy said that his neighbor a couple doors down from him works at the Lowe’s hardware store near them and his neighbor is so afraid of him that when he goes in the store, and the neighbors sees him, the neighbor quickly goes the other way so he doesn’t have to encounter him. Of course the other six guys all laughed and called the neighbor some crude names.

Another one said ...

Another one said that one of his neighbors is going to push the wrong button with him one of these days and it won’t be a pretty sight when the smoke clears. Did I mention all seven of these guys were packing automatic weapons on their hips?

I don't believe...

I don’t believe I did, but they damn sure were. These thugs all belong to a Houston gang and I guess that being a member of that gang named “SWAT” makes you feel above the law.

I managed to...

I managed to snap a couple pictures of them while they seated at the table and I even thought about screwing with them a little but seven pistol packing jackasses against one unarmed old man is not what I would call real good odds for me. The funny part was I didn’t see any vehicles outside that even looked like a police vehicle so when they left I watched them head out into the parking lot to see what they were riding in.

Were not government ...

It turned out that there were a couple crew cab trucks parked out there. Just plain old white crew cabs with the Koenig box beds on the back like a plumber might have to work out of. The other thing I noticed was that the license plates were not government plates that would normally have “exempt” on them.

These guys all had...

These guys all had Houston Police identification badges hanging on lanyards around their necks so I am sure that they were HPD officers or under a contract with HPD. I wonder if HPD is subcontracting their SWAT team from a private contractor like Black Water or some other mercenary type group?

To me, all these guys looked like ex-military men with military style haircuts.

The license plates...

The license plates on the trucks is what puzzles me, I see a lot of City of Houston vehicles in my daily travels around the area and each and everyone has the exempt government license plates on them. I also know that the City of Houston hires a lot of plumbing companies to do plumbing repairs on city water mains so it might just be that the city is subcontracting their “hit men” work to the private sector.

What do you think...

Sometime in the future I think I will look into this and see just what I can find out. What do you think? Have you heard of any city doing this with their specialized police units? I am curious to know what you think.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.

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